Forever Senshi

Forever Senshi

formerly known as: Sailor Eternity's Crystal Twilight Palace

Profiles on the senshi
The historical aspects of Sailor Moon
Where did the senshi come from?
Picture gallery and webpage goods!
Japanese and English midi files! Both with lyrics!
Learn a few phrases
Stories and pictures by the guests
News and Updates
Credits, link me, and webrings!
!!Fun Stuff!!
Awards YOU can win!
"Everybody has a starseed...but only those that glitter forever belong to a senshi."
Welcome to the world of Sailor Moon, the pretty sailor suited heroine of Naoko Takeuchi's "Bishoujo Senshi Seeraa Muun"(BSSM) or known to the Western Hemisphere only as "Sailor Moon", a manga(comic)-turned-anime(animation) story about a young girl who discovers a beautiful destiny full of romance, friendship, danger, and sometimes, pain.

This page is dedicated to the main heroines of the story, the soldiers who fight against all that dare to threaten what they believe in, yet still somehow maintain the grace, spirit and beauty that they possess even in battle.

Please sign the guestbook so that I can make this page better ^.^

Sailor Moon Copyrighted by the goddess Naoko Takeuchi (we're still not worthy!!), Toei, Kodansha, DIC and a whole lotta other companies.