This is the section where updates on the site and any kind of news on our favorite anime will be posted. I figured that since SMS and SM SuperS have already been dubbed, news on Sailor Moon won't be frequent any longer...

October 20,2000
Mythology section updated with the origin of the three talismans.
October 14,2000
Finally, pictures have been fixed since I had nothing else to do ^.^. If there are any broken pictures, though, please inform me by e-mailing me. Also, I found that I had forgotten to post the outer soldiers' animated those are now up. Also, thanx to gajw for supplying me with more info about the Cloverway Dub!! I haven't been able to watch the Sailor Moon eps. here 'cause of school =/
October 11,2000
As u can probably tell, I haven't been updating much. I would have probably added a whole bunch more to the site, but I moved and the computer here doesn't have a graphics program and probably never will...::sigh:: That means no more new graphics unless somebody volunteers to make some exclusively so that I can post 'em up to give away =(. To make matters worse, the new 50megs layout and interface have given me a problem with the graphics showing up. Which accounts for a lot of the site's broken pictures and since there are a lot, it'll take a lot of time to fix all of 'em. However, I have been scanning through the 'net and after a whole day's search, I have finally found most of the animated gifs to the senshi's transformations and attacks. Only a few more are needed to complete the entire collection, but they're all up in their profile pages ^.^
August 6,2000
Well, since I'm off vacationing at Chicago (Sea Doo!!!!), I won't be able to update for at least a whole week =/. My updates will probably be declining further, due to the beginning of school on the fourteenth ::sigh:: However, anything sent to me through the mail will still be replied to as necessary!
July 29,2000
The third act of Sailor Apollo's second part of the Trilogy is up!! Also, I've added descriptions to my fanart.
July 28,2000
Finally, I've accessed a scanner!! Of course, it doesn't scan as well as I'd hope, but at least a few of my fanart of Apollo are up ^.^ along with my new fanart section! yaayy!
July 26,2000
Even if my disk is missing, I've already posted up the beginning of the second part of Sailor Apollo's story. Only Act I and Act II are up, but hopefully, three will be finished soon. Keep in mind that these stories do have pictures of certain things that I did not want to describe lest it should confuse the reader, but until I can find a replacement for the scanner I dropped (u.u;), they won't be posted up. And if isn't too much to ask...please send me your comments on how to make a better fanfiction...Please please please?
July 24,2000
I haven't been keeping up with this page (of all pages), but if you've been here between now and July 11, you know that there have been quite a few additions. One of them includes the FAQ where I address a few questions about the anime and those Anti-SM peoples out there (ewww...). Most of all, I've started working on the second Sailor Apollo story. It was already done...but I lost the disk when I moved...waaahhh!!
July 11,2000
Finally completed the addition of the Sailor Apollo Trilogy. I'm workin' on the Sailor Eternity one, and it's taking much longer than I expected, mainly because it wasn't formatted when I wrote it, so I have to add html tags and so on to it (phew!). Also, I've added the development sub-section to the History place! Interesting lil tidbits there!
July 10,2000
Added at least twenty new pictures to the Jupiter section of the gallery. With all my work on here, I've forgotten that my gallery even existed u.u;. Anyhoos, a contest has been suggested so I decided to make one! Yaaaayy!! Introducing the Forever Senshi Fanart Contest!! Your art could be the main picture of this site!!! Not just in some gallery where it'll probably be lost in a whole lot of other pictures...but right in the front page!!! For more details, click here
July 6, 2000
Added another bordered background;work on finally posting the remaining parts of "Sailor Eternity" continues...; added the tribute to Naoko-sama
July 5, 2000
Created this news page