!Welcome! Please fill in your comments and stuff on how I can make this a better webpage!
Name - wendy"SailorGalaxy"Yocum    Email - Wyocum Http//army.mil.Aol.com
Date --     From - Marysville,Pennsylvania
Good Friend ,next to elfquest, I love sailor
Moon, the best!Would love to also hear from all fans
by mail; we could write stories and trade merchandise and stuff!
I Love all the Sailor Scouts,especially Sailor Mini Moon!

Name - SailorV    Email - sailorchibisaturn@gurlmail.com
Date --     From - NY
this si SailorV, the senshi of love and beauty. Cool page, if you want i can help ya with some java to make your page look really fabulous. oh yeah, if any one knows how to make awards, please email me. Thanks

Name - Genevieve    Email - Unmasked7Sm@aol.com
Date --     From - Artane
Great Page! Isn't Sailor Moon the greatest! Keep up the great work, see if you can add to the Reni section some teenage pic of her.

Name - Angelina the Silver Soldier    Email - moonfire@neo-tokyo.org
Date --     From - The moon!!! (really Canada)
You've got a great site!
Would ya mind comin' to my site 'n signing the g-book?
take care!

-Ja ne!

Name - lil bunny    Email - lil bunny1275@hotmail.com
Date --     From - houston
love the site! very pretty layouts. you've got some neat information about the senshi! keep it up! i'll be comming back soon!

Name - jacquelineDate --     From - california
great site, where did you get all the stuff

Name - Madty    Email - madty@excite.com
Date --     From - Grapevine,TX
This is the best Sailor Moon page
ever! Where did you get all this info
Name - Brittany    Email - KITTY_2001@YAHOO.COM
Date --     From - CANADA
This is cool

Name - Sailor StarDate --

Name - Lily    Email - jenigrl1212@hotmail.com
Date --     From - IL.
This site is so AWESOME!Sailor scouts rule!

Name - Ari    Email - FirePrincess17@compuserve.com
Date --     From - New York
I love your page so much!!!!!!!!!!
You know that pic that you have with all the senshi,
and the big moon behind it well i just have to have
can you please tell me where you got it?

Name - Dragonsoul    Email - DragonMere@white-star.com
Date --     From - ...some place
This is the best page I have seen so far. I didn't know some of the stuff that you have on this page. Keep up the good work!

Name - akmar    Email - illus82@hotmail.com
Date --     From - malaysia
i think this site have
the MOST PRETTIEST picture ever!!!!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!

Name - brandi    Email - whitewolfy2k@yahoo.com
Date --     From - texas
I love your site.Do you have any pictures of mooney?

Name - Jennifer Date --
Can you make a contest to draw
sailor moon or any charcter of
I would join it !!!
I think it would make it fun!!
And who you think has the best
drawing would be in the front page


Name - Claire    Email - cam2060@hotmail.com
Date --     From - winchester virginia
I love all the sailor scouts

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Thanx so very much for signing my guestbook!