
Here are a few Japanese words and phrases that are essential to understand a few pages or sayings in many Sailor Moon websites. All of this I learned from my love of Sailor Moon *.*!

Akuryo Taisan!Evil begone; the charm used by Rei-chan (Raye)
AnimeShort for Japanime; japanese animation
ArigatouThank you
BakaStupid, idiot
Bishoujopretty (Shoujo means girl)
-chansuffix used for people who are much much younger than you, people ur close to, or people your age; this is normally used more around girls, but it can also be used as a pet name (e.g. mamo-chan); notice how this is used the most among the inner soldiers mainly because they're very close
Chibikid, or tot (contrary to popular belief, this does NOT mean small)
ChiisaiNow, this means small
Fukuschool uniform; many uniforms in Japan resemble those of a sailor's
GinzuishouSilver Crystal
Ja Nesee you later *slang
JinjaShinto shrine
KamenMask, like in Tuxedo Kamen
Kowhen added to a name, means "child"
KonbanwaA greeting for the evening; something like good evening
KonnichiwaA greeting like hello for the afternoon or morning
MangaMotionless animation; almost like a comic See also: Renga
No"of" something; e.g. tsukino=of the moon
RengaA comic book
-samasuffix used for highly revered people; can also be the suffix for a queen (e.g. Diana calls Usagi: Usagi-sama)
-santhe most popular suffix, this means Ms. or Mr. when added to a person's last or first name; a form of respect for people who are older than you and people you've just met; the inner soldiers call Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna this because they are older
Seera MuunThe japanese way to spell "Sailor Moon" without using kanji or hiragana (characters)
SeiyuuVoice actor/actress
-sempaia suffix that's given to the older people in a person's school
SenshiA rough translation would be soldier or warrior
UrasuiRude way to say "Shut up"
Usagirabbit; Usagi's hair is supposed to mimic the ears of a rabbit
Henshin Yo!Transform!
Tsuki Ni Kawatte! Oshioki Yo!In the name of the moon, I will punish you
Tsukino Hikari Wa Ai No MessageMoonlight carries the message of love