
The myth behind each senshi

*If you need a mythological character for your fanfiction, I'd be glad to be of help. I can find out certain facts about a Grecian god or goddess.

Princess Serenity (Selenity):
In Greek Mythology, the moon was known as Selene (pronounced Se-leen) who drove her milk white carriage across the sky every night. It was said that her brother and sister were known as Helios and Eos, god and goddesses of the sun and dawn. Although many people believe that "Selene" is where Takeuchi-san derived Princess Serenity, that might not be entirely true. Actually, Serenity came from a dark spot on the true moon known as the Sea of Serenity. In Japanese, however, the l and r characters are interchangeable so it could be actually either one. One night, as the goddess crossed the dark sky of night, her gaze fell upon a young shepherd by the name of Endymion. However, since she was immortal and he was a mortal, she could not really be with him, especially since she learned never to ask for immortality for a mortal from her sister Eos who had asked for the eternal life of her beloved and ended up with a grasshopper. Instead of asking for his immortality, Selene instead asked for Endymion to sleep forever so that they could be together. Endymion did sleep and as he did, he dreamed that he was holding Selene in his hands. However, it wasn't a dream for soon, Selene bore fifty sons and daughters who were as beautiful as their mother, yet slept like their father. Usagi's name, Rabbit of the Moon, comes from an ancient belief that the shadows of the moon form a rabbit-like shape. Notice how most everything she has has a rabbit on it.

Princess Mercury:
Mercury was derived from one of the twelve great gods of Olympus. In Greek history, Mercury was known as Hermes and he was a very mischievous god who, even as a baby was already thinking up of mischief! He had even stolen Apollo's cows and managed to lie about it for some time until his father demanded that he returned the cows to his brother. Mercury is the herald of the gods, which means he goes around with wings on his shoes and tells mortals any message from the gods, or he tells one god about what another god wants. He also is the one who leads dead souls into Hades, the land of the dead. Mercury is the god of thieves and others who live by their wits.

Princess Mars
Mars was named after the Roman god of war and the Grecian god known as Ares. Ares was one of the "bad" gods who loved war and had a spirit who was called Eris beside him all the time. Like Ares, Eris also loved to go to war and see bloodshed. She had a golden apple of dischord that would end friendships and cause war among enemies when it was thrown among them. Ares is also known to be a coward since he would howl and scream whenever he would be wounded in battle. He also is very proud and vain about his looks since he is liked by Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Ares is hated especially by his half sister, the goddess of wisdom, Athena.

Princess Jupiter:

Jupiter is named after the Roman god Jupiter and the grecian god known as Zeus. The reason for Jupiter's lightning attacks is because Zeus's main arsenal is the thunderbolt that is carried by Pegasus in a bucket. The reason for his being King is because of when he was a child and he saved his brothers and sisters from their child eating father, Cronus Jupiter is married to Juno in the Roman version and to Hera in the grecian version, the jealous queen of the gods. Zeus was very fond of grecian girls because he believed that his children would become as great as he was and if he had many of them, then Greece would be filled with great heroes, yet he feared Hera's temper so much that he would often sneak around. Among his children, he had Mars, god of war, Apollo and Diana, gods of light and the sun and of hunt and the Moon, Bacchus, god of wine, Porsepine, daughter of Ceres, godess of harvest and Athena, goddess of wisdom.

Princess Venus:
Venus is, as most people know, the planet named after the Roman godess of love(not really beauty since that honor belongs to the three graces). Also known as Aphrodite in Greece, Venus was the only godess to have no father or mother. She came from the sea known as Cythera and was welcomed by the wind, Zephyr and the three graces. Every year, she returns to Cythera and bathes there to remain fresh and young. Venus, as all people know, has a son named Cupid, or Eos to the Greeks. Cupid is her baby son who loves to shoot arrows of love at mortals which makes them fall in love with the first person that they see. Since Jupiter was afraid that the other gods would fight over her hand, he chose Vulcan, god of smith and fire to be her husband. Vulcan is also the brother of Mars.

Princess Pluto:
Pluto was derived from the Roman god Pluto, and the Grecian god, Hades, god of the underworld who never saw the light. He led souls into the underworld and once past the three headed guard dog named Cerberus, no soul could leave. One day, as a young girl named Persephone, or Porsepine in Roman mythology, was playing in the fields, she was so beautiful that Pluto, who usually didn't really notice anything, noticed her and decided that he would marry her. Since he knew her protective mother would never consent to giving him her daughter, he decided to kidnap her. The goddess of the harvest, Ceres, Porsepine's mother was frantic when she couldn't find her daughter. Soon, she became so grieved that the Earth turned cold and nothing grew. Mankind began to suffer so much that Jupiter, king of the gods, demanded that Pluto give the girl back. However, when Porsepine was about to leave, she finds that she has eaten the food of the dead and would have to come back to the grim underworld where she reigned as queen every six months. During the time she was away, people called winter and the time when the girl returned was known as spring since it is the time when Ceres is most happiest and causes the Earth to bloom. My only wonder is, that Pluto has no association with time whatsoever except that Pluto's father is the Grandfather of time.

Princess Neptune:
Neptune's character and planet is based on the Roman god Neptune and the grecian god Poseidon. Poseidon was a brother of Zeus and was one of the twelve great gods of Olympus. He was the king of the sea and had a wife named Amphytrite who had forty nine Nereid sisters. Poseidon was a moody god, he is known as the earth shaker since when he gets mad, he raises waves as tall as buildings and destroys whole cities. When he is calm, he rides about on his frothy white horses and raises new land from the sea.

Princess Uranus:
Uranus was derived from the sky. When mother earth was very young, she was very lonely. When she looked up into the sky, however, she fell in love with Uranus since he was covered in sparkling stars, and soon they got married. They had many children, but the first were the 6 titans and 6 titanesses. They were very handsome, so when mother earth gave birth to a series of monsters, Uranus was disgusted and even threw a few of them into a never ending pit called Tartarus. Mother earth was hearbroken and told the youngest titan to kill his father with a sickle. The titan Cronus obeyed his mother and overthrew Uranus.

Princess Saturn:
Saturn was derived from the Roman god Saturn and the Grecian god Cronus. Cronus was the titan that overthrew his father. He knew that if he should ever have a child, that child would overthrow him like he had his father. To avoid that, he ate the children his Titaness wife would bear. His wife, sad that she was the only one of her sisters who had no children, decided that the next time she would have a son, she would ask Mother Earth for advice. When she was expecting her sixth child, she came to Mother Earth who told her to give her husband a stone instead of the child. Rhea did as mother earth told her and the child, who was called Zeus was sent off into a cave so that his cries would not be heard. When he grew older, sure enough, he destroyed his father, set the monsters from Tartarus free and in their place, put the titans. Also, with the help of his first wife, Metis, the goddess of prudence and mother to Athena, goddess of wisdom, he freed his five brothers and sisters from their father's stomach. They were Hades, Hera, Poseidon, Ceres, and Hestia.


Prince Endymion:
As explained in the myth of Selene, Endymion was the prince who the moon fell in love with. He slept forever because of her spell and had fifty sons and daughters with Selene.

Luna, as most Spanish-speaking people know, means moon.

Artemis, in contrast with Luna, has a more descriptive origin. He was named after the Greecian goddes of the hunt and of the Moon, Artemis. Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo, god of light and of the Sun. Their mother was Leto, one of Zeus's many wives. When Leto was about to give birth, Hera, knowing about her, cast a spell that she would not be able to bear a child on land. Leto wandered about until she found a small island that floated about, so it was free from Hera's curse. However, since Hera had forbidden Ilithiya, goddess of childbirth, the other gods had to give her a necklace to change her mind. Hera gave in and the twins were born. When Artemis was just newly born, she told her father never to let her marry. Zeus agreed and she became a wild maiden who hunted with her many nymphs. When a hunter saw her bathing by accident, she splashed water on him and turned him into a stag. Artemis was a very cold godess.

Diana, the little gray daughter of Luna and Artemis, was named after the Roman goddess of the hunt and the Moon. Diana is the equivalent of Artemis in Greek Mythology.

Elysion, the land where Elios (Helios?) the horse comes from, is, in Greek Mythology, the land where all heroes would go to when they died.

Helios, the winged horse was named after the Grecian god of the sun who is also the brother of the moon. This is probably because it is mentioned in the manga that the powers of the sun are controlled by Endymion's Golden Crystal.

Three Talismans:
The Garnet Orb, the Space Sword and the Deep Aqua Mirror are all related to the myth of Amaterasu, the sun goddess who was chased into a cave by her brother and had to be coaxed out using a mirror, sword and jewel. The other gods angry with Amaterasu's brother sent him to the Earth and his descendants populated the islands of Japan. Amaterasu sent down her own descendant to rule over the people and gave him the three treasures to prove his identity and authority.

*New Senshi*

Empress Aurora:
Aurora was also known as Eos in the Greek mythology. She was known as dawn, sister to Helios, the sun, and Selene, the moon. Every morning, Eos would signal the arrival of her brother Helios and would dip her fingers in a rosy cup and sprinkle the world with dew. One day, while she shone over the horizon, she saw a young, handsome prince named Tithonus in Earth. Falling instantly in love, she asked Zeus to give the prince immortality so that they could share of their lives together. Zeus granted her wish, and soon, the two were married and lived together for a long time in her palace in the East. Aurora, however, forgot to ask for Tithonus' eternal youth, and soon, Tithonus began to grow old. He finally grew so old that he turned into a grasshopper. Aurora was then forced to keep him in a box in a far corner of her palace. Eternity was derived from the fact that Aurora had asked for Tithonus' eternal life.