Fanfiction Senshi

Some of the fanfiction senshi I will be putting up are completed characters, but I didn't have time to create their stories, or I completely changed the story so that they did not become involved. If you wish to give them a story, pleeease feel free to send these stories in 'cause a character without history...well, it seems rather forlorn, don't ya think? Also, this page features the fanfic senshi from the Sailor Eternity Ring of Courtiers. Those senshi will already have stories when they appear here, so, none of them will be available for stories, unless authorized by one of the peepz from the court ^.^.
*Everything here is alphabetically organized!*

Sailor Apollo Main senshi from "Sailor Apollo: Goddess of Light". She is the daughter of Sailor Eternity and soldier of light and hope.
Sailor Cygnus Soldier under Apollo in the "Sailor Apollo: Goddess of Light" Trilogy. She is the soldier of the Star Field Cygnus and holds the power of illusion.
Sailor Draco Soldier under Apollo in the "Sailor Apollo: Goddess of Light" Trilogy. She is the soldier of the Star Field Draco and holds the power of transformation.
Sailor Eternity Main senshi from "Sailor Eternity". She is the soldier form of the essence of the Universe.
Sailor Hydra Soldier under Apollo in the "Sailor Apollo: Goddess of Light" Trilogy. She is the soldier of the Star Field Hydra and holds the power of reflection.