She is fourteen year old Chiyo Hiroshi, or Eternal Star,
a very elegant, very rich and very proper young lady who
wouldn't even dream of dirtying herself for the world.
Her saga begins with the death of a Senshi who called
herself Sailor Eternity. On the day of her death, as
Hiroshi is sleeping in her room, a lady bathed in violet
light comes to visit her and gives her a violet gem.
Meanwhile, Chibi-usa had found a small locket with a deep
carving of a star inside. When a new threat to the Earth
appears, the senshi are captured and a gold bird with a
violet star on it's forehead appears to Hiroshi, asking her
about the locket. At that moment, Luna appears with the
locket and gives it to her. Hiroshi then transforms into
Sailor Eternity.
Hiroshi was modeled after one of my best friends(she
knows who she is). She was born on July 27 and she
is a Leo. Her bloodtype is O and her height is 5'6.
Her favorite food is spaghetti and Tempura and she
doesn't really hate any particular food except for
the ones in which she has to pick them up with her
fingers(not my friend's trait). Her favorite
pasttimes include shopping, talking on the phone,
going to parties and even keeping time to herself.
At home, she lives with only her mother since her
father ran away before they moved to Tokyo.(Again,
not a trait of my friend's) She goes to Rei's
private school known as T*A private school.
As a senshi, Eternity is very powerful since she was
once the Essence of the Universe (it's spirit). However, since she
was reborn as a mortal every thousand years, she fell
in love with a young prince named Tithonus. To be
with him, she gave up her immortality and became a
mortal forever. Her powers all are connected to
stars and infinity. The sign on her forehead that
appears even means infinity.
Transformations and Forms:
Eternal Cosmic Power! Make-up!
This is when she transforms using the Violet
Star. She holds her locket between her hands
as if she's praying, then light bursts from
between her hands and when she opens it, the
Violet star appears floating. She then
becomes transparent. The star floating above
her palms then zips around her in spirals, leaving
a trail of dust that becomes her bodice and most
of her uniform, except for her skirt. The star
that's floating above her head suddenly bursts into
five different smaller stars that surround her waist,
creating her skirt. Lights go off and we see that
four of the stars are the only ones remaining. The
stars zip around her then stay in place on her
skirt, ribbon and collar. As she poses, the
remaining star settles on her tiara and glows
until she is done posing.
Eternal Violet Starlight! Make-up!
Her second transformation after she dies, she
becomes Super Sailor Eternity using this phrase.
Everything is the same, except the stars are
eight pointed and it shows her gloves forming
from another star. At the end, she poses
with a star behind her.
Violet Empress Twilight! Make-up!
The reason for Twilight is because this is
a transformation which Crystal Moon gives her.
This is a transformation that isn't even
seen, since it is at the very end and it is
used to transform her into Sailor Eterna,
her true form as the Empress of the Universe.
Empress Aurora
Her form as the Empress of the Universe
when she created the planets and every senshi
within them.
Her form as the mortal who had fallen in
love with the prince of Eterna, Prince
Her form as a child of the seventeenth
century on Earth before Crystal Moon had
taken her to the future to become Sailor
Empress Eterna
Her form when she returns to a revived
Eterna as the wife of Emperor Tithonus and
ruler of the Universe. Also mother of
her daughter she named Eos.
Attacks and Abilities:
A power that she, Hiroshi had found
to be inside her. She moves objects
and stops objects using this power.
Crystalline Violent Starburst!
She creates a huge crystal in
the center of her hands, then
destroys the crystal by making it explode
and turns it into shards as she claps
her hand around it. The shards fly at
the enemy and explode more violently
than it had at first.
Eternal Solar Flare!
She becomes a burning figure and
gathers all the fire that's surrounding
her body into a spiraling shape
at the center of her hands. She
then throws the burning spiral to
the ground, sending flares of
fire toward the enemy.
Infinite Crystal Nova!
A star drops down in front of her,
pulsating as it falls. She catches
it from her right, then swings it
in an arc across her waist. A
violet sheet of energy then
radiates out from the arc she had
Super Eternal Corona!
A wand appears in her hand and
violet fire shoots out at the enemy,
the fire radiates around the
edge of the target, then a
violet heart forms where the heart
of the target is located at.
The violet fire gathers at
the heart, then explodes. She
used this to return the Sailor Zodiacs
back to normal.
Eterna Super Nova!
Her final attack is one that is
forbidden since she dies when she uses
it(much like Pluto's Time Stop).
As she says this, the Galaxy Orb of
the Milky Way or any galaxy,falls
in her hands. She then disappears
with it and becomes a tiny,
twinkling Violet light. She
actually destroys the orb, destroying
the galaxy along with it.