She is seven year old Uchuno Asahi, Morning Star of the Universe, daughter of
the late Empress Aurora, the Essence of the Universe. When Eterna
is cast under the shadow of civil war brought by a cunning and
evil force, the child Empress Eos of Eterna is thrown into exile
and killed. Her restless and wandering soul somehow breaks away
from the underworld and drifts to Earth, becoming a young, carefree,
yet also dreamy girl. One evening, a dove appears to her, and she
remembers this guardian as her own. She is told that she must
awaken and return to Eterna, however she refuses to take up the
fight for a planet that wanted her destroyed. When her best
friend is killed, however, she finds a strange power sleeping
inside her that turns her into a young woman, fighting a force
she does not understand.
As a young child, Asahi is very dreamy and rather happy with
everything around her. She was born on July 29, making her a Leo
with an AB bloodtype. Her favorite food is ice cream and her
least favorite would be eggplants. She goes to the T*A private
school where her favorite subjects is science and her least
favorite is math. Her talents lie in acting and she does most
poorly in analytical situations. Her senshi colors are
red and yellow, also her favorite colors.
As a soldier, Apollo lies in the shadow of her legendary mother
and she is often distraught at this, but rarely shows it. Her
sense of leadership is exceptional in that she will do anything
to protect those bound by the sacred order of the Trilogy. Her
attacks all deal with light and slowly change as she finds more
allies with stronger antagonists. She is not much different
from her alter-ego, yet at the same time, she is far more mature
and seems more wise.
Transformations and Forms
Apollo Golden Starlight! Make up!
Her very first transformation, she
is just eclipsed by the brilliant light and when the light
disappears, Apollo emerges. Later, however, she gets a full
transformation with the help of a locket given to her by the
mysterious keeper of the Golden Tower at Eterna.
Apollo Light Generation! Make up!
Her second transformation which comes from the unity of the
soldiers of the Trilogy.
Attacks and Abilities
As the daughter of a master at the Magic Arts, she has a very
faint power of conjuring spells. However, her spells all usually go
wrong, or are too weak to last permanently.
Golden Symphony Spell
Her first attack where she just blasts a beam of light toward
the attacking force. Since it is very weak, it has no sequence, but
is more of an ability.
Divine Illumination
Here, she uses her wand/staff which appears and as the "camera" zooms out,
we see that it is above her and her hand is lightly poised over it's handle and she is
floating sideways below it with one of her legs bent at the knee. With a quick
spin with the wand in the center of her revolution, the wand is charged and she grabs it and points it toward her target.