You Know You Watch Too Much Sailor Moon When...

What Moonie is a Moonie without a ykywtmsmw list? Not a Moonie, that's what! If you're a rabid Sailor Moon fan, then you'll find that some of these (understatement) apply to you...hehe...
*The ones with two stars are the ones I HAVEN'T done!*

*You're reading this list ~.O

*Ideas are already coming into your head as to what to put on this list

*Everything around you reminds you of Sailor Moon or something on Sailor Moon

*Haruka and Michiru's relationship is NORMAL!!

*You know how to put your hair up in odangoes

*You've already thought up of your OWN way of making odangoes

*You wear these odangoes every moment you can, despite it's taking thirty minutes to do each one

*Your hair has to correspond with one of the senshi's

*Books on the planets start to sound KNOW there's a castle somewhere on Mare Serenitatis (where the "Moon Kingdom" is)

*The term "Sailor" does not necessarily mean somebody on a boat

*You know only Japanese words that have some kind of connection with Sailor Moon, even if you're studying the whole language

*You actually take lessons in Japanese so that you can watch the Original Sailor Moon eps.

*You know who Alex Glover is, but have never met him

*SOS is a distress call??

*When listing the nine planets, you add Moon and remove Earth, and wonder why the teacher marked it wrong

*Anything you do has to do with Sailor Moon

**You refuuuuse to go out with any guy without black hair and blue eyes

**You only want girls with long blonde hair tied up in meatballs

**You want a girlfriend with blue green hair and you're a girl...o.o

*You start laughing at the concept that the other nine planets are "non-inhabitable"

*You took the time to learn HTML for the sole purpose of creating a shrine for Sailor Moon

*You spent a whole summer learning HTML for this shrine

*People start calling you "Sailor Moon"

*People start calling you "That Sailor Moon freak"

*You start calling yourself "That Sailor Moon freak"

*Your romantic life has always had some connection with Sailor Moon ^.^;

*You adamantly refuse to go out with anybody who doesn't know or like Sailor Moon U.U

*Your two year old little sister knows how to say "Moon Prism Power! Make up! while raising her hand in the air

*Your friend has made you a Sailor tiara out of paper and you squealed for joy

*You're a girl and you'd rather go to a comic book shop where they sell Sailor Moon videos instead of buying clothes

*You've thought about dying your hair blue, dark green, blue green, or even pink

**You've actually dyed your hair blue, dark green, blue green or pink

*You spend yeeeeears trying to learn how to draw the senshi "manga style"

*When you're being described, Sailor Moon has to fit in somewhere

*You know that "The Cult of Serenity" is not dangerous (It isn't!!!)

*The best way to your heart is to talk about Sailor Moon

*Your dream present would be to go to Japan and just seeeee Naoko Takeuchi

*You start thinking about the day when the world would become Crystal Tokyo

*You start daydreaming about being a senshi and destroying your enemies

*You want uniforms for your school as long as they look like the senshi's!!!

*Japan is the ideal place to go for your honeymoon

*You start saying words in Japanese just so that you have an opportunity to explain Sailor Moon

*You tell everybody you know about Sailor Moon!

*You wish so badly that you were born in Japan

*You've thought about becoming a Shinto Maiden, even though you're catholic

*The computer is there for my Sailor Moon files and nothing else!!

*You watch Japanese episodes without subtitles, but you don't care!