The New Sailor Moon Dubbed Episodes
By: Princess Neko
First off, I would like to thank EVERYBODY who had aaaanything
to do with the dubbing of the third season of Sailor Moon, Sailor
Moon S. It happens to be my favorite season throughout the anime
series, and I'm just sooo happy to finally see the episodes
instead of having to read about it. Now, to discuss the most
important issue: how true will it remain to the original? As far
as I have seen, it was pretty well done, except for a few things.
The saddest of the changes was that Neptune and Uranus became
cousins. This "blunder" will never be able to explain how Uranus
and Neptune met and won't make any sense in the future, unless
the series is changed further.
Another adjustment
that I would like to see is mainly on the voice
characters including the most important character
in the whole affair. Yes, I am very very very much grateful that
the S series has finally found it's way to Cartoon Network, however...
is there anything we can do to keep Serena's new voice from even
reaching our ears??! Amy's and Minako's voices, although new are
peeerfectly acceptable(especially Amy's), however, everytime I
hear Serena's voice, I want to plug up my ears, yet I also wish
to hear what she has to say. Why did they decide to change her
voice??! Her first actress (as in during the very very beginning
of the series) was the one most appropriate for this character,
and the second actress, although her voice was deemed a bit too low
(though also very much acceptable) even by Naoko-sensei, were
almost perfect for the role and should not have been replaced.
Amaura's and Michelle's voices are also in great need of help.
The sound of their voices are suitable for the roles, but their
acting just isn't! One thing I've noticed is that they do not
have much emotion to their voices and it completely ruins the
On the other hand, I'm so happy to have heard that the new company.
who is in charge of the dubbing will not be skipping any episodes. Despite the strange name
given to Uranus (How did Haruka suddenly become "Amaura"?),
Michiru becoming Michelle sounded very much appropriate,
considering the past cicrumstances. Also, the background music
has been added and the attacks are finally veering toward the right
direction. We even find that Jupiter has changed her attack from
"Jupiter Thundercloud Zap" to "Sparkling Wide Pressure" by the
second episode. Another interesting factor is that "Kaori/Kaolinite"
and "Professor Tomoe" did not undergo a name change. Also, I
adore the very cool fact that the names of the daimons have NOT
been changed!! Despite the reference to Japanese words (such as
the use of the word "Neko" in the puzzle-cat's name),
the beeeauuutiful producers and directors of the new dubbing
has kept it more faithful to the original! (I love them now!) I can
understand why they would change "Chibi-Moon" to "Mini-Moon"
(this is an English dub and "Chibi" is Japanese), so I am not too
moved by this change.
All in all, I would just like to say THANK YOU SOOOO VERY MUCH
to the people responsible for the appearance of this series.
Since it is one of the best seasons (in my opinion), hopefully it
will finally be a part of Cartoon Network's: Toonami's Midnight
Run line-up and will bring more people into the Sailor Moon World.