There are a few aspects of Sailor Moon that people who aren't too
familiar with anime aren't quite used to, so I decided to create
a section that would explain them. This is also addressed to
those pathetic Anti-Sailor Moon people (sadly, they do exist) who
take a lot of time just to anger the people who love this anime
by ACTUALLY going through the trouble of making a site about it...
- Why doesn't anybody recognize the senshi in their transformed
- This is a big issue, but in my opinion, this is because it is
easier for us, the viewers to associate them with their senshi
counterpart. Also, if they changed the anime to having two
"looks" for the senshi, they wouldn't remain true to the manga
where the senshi ARE recognized, but they aren't in too many
public places for many people to know who they trully are.
- Why doesn't the enemy attack while the senshi are transforming
or attacking?
- One of the nicest things about Japanimation is how much "eye
candy" is in many magical girl series. Eye candy is a term I use
for those flashy sequences that actually take very little time to
execute in real time, but the viewers are treated to seeing more
than what the characters would. A good example is when Neptune
transforms before Haruka(Uranus), and all we see is a green light
come over her and Neptune emerges.
- Why doesn't the enemies ever attack other cities??
- Think about this...if you knew that a power source was in
Tokyo, why else would you look somewhere else?? This is what you
have to think about when you consider that the anime is supposed to
be an extended version of the manga where the action is pretty
quick and Queen Beryl isn't really in search of energy, but of
the Silver Crystal and to destroy Sailor Moon.
- Pink, blue, green hair?? and what's up with those HUGE mouths and weird water drops??
- Anime does make use of animation to it's full extent and that
includes how the characters look like. After all, some of us do
wish that there were different hair colors other than white, black,
brown or red...As for the face change thing, if you've noticed, the way
the whole thing is produced, you can tell exactly what their emotions
are, so you understand the storyline better.
- Our opinions count too! So we can dislike SM all we want!
- Not exactly a question, but this is what ticks me off the most.
Okay, you don't like Sailor Moon, who cares. People ARE entitled
to their own opinions, but think about it...to dedicate a website
about NOT liking Sailor Moon (and I know myself that it's not
exactly all that easy to manage a site)...don't you think that
kinda' shows that a person has some major extra time on his or her
hands? I mean, heck, I hate the X-men...but I won't make a site
about how much I hate 'em! (And trust me, I'd have plenty to say)
- What's "manga"?
- When I first looked around the 'net, I myself was wondering as to
what alot of the web masters were talking about when they referred
to a manga version. In Japanese Animation, much of the stories
are usually derived from lil comic-book-looking things known as
manga. Like most of them, this is also how Sailor Moon began.
The manga plot is a lil more different and more mature than when
the producers of the show decided to turn it into a children's show.
If you would like me to address any of your questions. Please
E-mail Me