Act I


A white dove sailed across the clear skies of Crystal Tokyo, his black eyes scanning the streets, confused as to where he was. He was awake. He was sure of that, but how could he have awoken when he did not recall sleeping? In fact, he knew he was awake, but he wasn’t quite sure as to what happened before he supposedly slept. All he knew was that he had to find her. Her? Who was this “her”?

Testing his wings to ensure that he was able to fly, he spread his wings once again and took to the air. Whatever this strange awakening meant, he must find out for himself.

Just as he perched atop another tree, he saw her. She looked like any little girl with pink hair done in flower-like odangoes, yet there was a special aura about her.


He knew her! Suddenly, it came flooding back to him. Of course, Eterna. Even her death could not keep her from her duty. It suddenly flashed in his mind that he would not be anywhere without Eos.

Eterna calls to you, Eos…

“I just wonder as to whether these recent occurences actually mean something,” Ayame said, biting her lip.

“I guess it’s just media hype. You know, those kinds of things that people try to really publicize even though it’s not real,” another girl beside her said.

“I heard that there’s a strange aura around the whole city and that another evil is coming!” a third girl cried.

“Oh look!”Ayame said, her gaze falling on a young girl who was about six years old. “It’s Uchuno Asahi. Wow! She’s prettier than she looks on the magazines.”

“I hear that all those movie contracts she has are worth at least ten million bucks. She’s one of the most famous stars around! And to think she lives around our neighborhood,” the second girl squealed.

“People say she’s really friendly, too. She goes to the T*A Private School for girls! It’s been around for at least a thousand years. I hear that Princess Mars went there as a young girl!” the third girl joined in.

Ayame just stared as the young girl with pink hair passed by them on a purple bicycle.

I wonder why she’s not riding a limo.

Asahi breathed the fresh air, happy to be able to roam the city, even if she was forbidden from it. Something seemed to be beckoning to her as she rode through the busy streets.

Crystal Tokyo.

The very name suggested peace and prosperity. She often wondered what the King and Queen were like and whether, one day, she would finally get to meet them. She smiled at all the gorgeous lights that brilliantly lit the city, even if it was during the daytime.

It was then that she felt the presence of someone watching her. She skidded to a stop, right underneath a large tree and looked around for herself. Nothing but the occasional pedestrian greeted her gaze. Trying to assure herself that she was safe, she once again, hopped onto her bike and rode off to go to the nearest ice cream store.

“Asahi-chan!” a voice called behind her.

She turned to see a young boy, waving at her frantically. Smiling, Asahi couldn’t help but detect the excitement in the young boy’s eyes as she quickly turned the bike and headed straight toward him.

“Koei-kun!” Asahi smiled cheerfully as she waved back.

“How’s Crystal Tokyo’s biggest star?” Koei asked as he winked at his best friend.

“Me? Tokyo’s biggest star? I doubt it. Still, it was nice of you to think so,” Asahi smiled as she giggled.

“Aren’t you afraid to go out on your own like this? It’s not exactly safe for somebody as rich and well-known as you are,” Koei said with a worry-tinged voice.

“I have to live normally once in a while, you know. Besides, I wanted to actually buy ice cream instead of getting’ it from the fridge. It’s not the same,” Asahi said, getting of her bike and walking beside it as they walked through Crystal Tokyo’s streets. “Oh, just look at that gorgeous sunset. I have never seen one so beautiful…” Asahi cried as she looked at the sun that was just beginning to set.

“Yes, the moon is sure to come out soon,” Koei said, also looking at the sun that seemed to lazily drift along the horizon. “Oh, but I love the sun,” Asahi said, mysteriously.

“The Moon, however is the source of our power and energy. It is what protects us from any invaders,” Koei pointed out.

“Yeah, that’s true, but I still think the sun is gorgeous. Especially since it creates beautiful blue skies, golden sunrises and pink sunsets with just a hint of violet,” Asahi sighed.

“Hee hee hee,” Koei said, looking at his best friend again.

She is so beautiful and mysterious. It seems almost as if she comes from another world. I wonder…Her words are so deep and she is so smart…just looking at her makes my heart pound…I wonder what it would be like to kiss her…

“…don’t you think?” Asahi was saying as Koei blushed at his thoughts.

“Umm, yeah,” Koei said immediately, avoiding her gaze.

“Thank you for being my friend, Koei,” Asahi said.

Without warning, she bent toward him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Koei became even redder.

“Uhh…what was that for?!” a bewildered Koei asked in surprise.

“Just for always being there,” Asahi smiled.

Suddenly, she heard her watch beep and ring at the same time. Asahi gasped as she realized that she had stayed out too late. “See you later, Koei-chan! Everybody’s probably worried sick about me,” Asahi said as she got on her bike and pedaled home. Koei was left standing, just staring at the pink hair that floated like a pink cloud in the breeze.

Okashi had been following Asahi throughout this time and had seen her kiss the little boy. With distaste, he flew after her once again, vowing to keep this boy away from his mistress as much as possible.

“Asahi-chan!” Mr. Uchuno scolded his daughter as she appeared to her parents who were both waiting for her.

“We were so worried! All of a sudden, you had disappeared,” Mr. Uchuno cried from the living room couch and above a newspaper as her mother appeared from the doorway to the kitchen. Mrs. Uchuno immediately came forward to touch her, almost as if she was making sure she was real.

“Mama, I’m okay. I just went out for a ride after school and I thought I’d be home before you two were,” Asahi said, scrunching her face to show her displeasure at being made so much of.

“Asahi, now you know that you still have a photo session tomorrow. A few people called for you too,” Mrs. Uchuno continued as she gave her daughter a hug as best she could with a spatula in her hand.

“I think I’ll go and wash up before dinner, okay mom?” Asahi said, desperate to leave her parents’ company.

“Of course,” Mrs. Uchuno said, rubbing her temples like she often did when Asahi sometimes gave her trouble.

“I’m telling you. If this happens again…” Mr. Uchuno said, turning a page.

“It’s okay. She’s growing. She has to learn at least a little independence. We can’t really blame her when she wants to be normal. She has to tell us when she wants to leave, though.”

The curtains to Asahi’s room in their condo fluttered from the wind as she jammed it shut. Water dripped from her soaked hair as she stared out the window and out into the deep darkness dotted with stars here and there. The city’s lights made them fainter, but she could still see them.

Someday…I will find what I search for…some long, forgotten mystery…why do I look to the stars? What is hidden behind their twinkling glory? Is this…is this all that I am destined to be? Somewhere…deep inside me…something else is lurking…someone waits…

Suddenly, she heard a quiet rustle coming from behind her. Turning around, she saw the snow white dove and almost shrieked in alarm.

“Princess…my beloved princess…I have found you,” the dove’s eyes smiled.

“Who…” Asahi gasped as she realized who it was. “Okashi…”

“You remember me…even after death…Eos, my mistress, still remembers me,” Okashi’s beady black eyes shone with happiness.

“Okashi…my sweet guardian…why have you returned to such an unforgiving land?” Asahi asked, feeling lightheaded as she felt her memories suddenly returning in a swift moment.

What am I saying?

“Eos, we have always been the greatest of friends. We will never part again,” Okashi cried as he hopped onto her shoulder.

“Okashi…I live here as mostly a normal human. I want to stay. Please do not take me back…my people…those who my mother nurtured….despise me,” Asahi said, still confused as to who really was talking.

“Eos…you must return to Eterna. It’s soil…it’s very core…they sing to your blood, your heart…do not turn away from your people,” Okashi said mournfully.

“Eterna…my planet…” Asahi closed her eyes as she remembered what had happened.

Visions of it’s people flashed through her mind as she remembered the day they had destroyed the palace, going mad with hatred. Suddenly, she remembered her mother’s eternal rest and her father who had tried so hard to live on for her sake, yet could not.

Mama…her legacy…is it me? Am I the one destined to fight…once more, for Eterna’s future. Are the people who condemned me the ones I must protect…not here…not where I live?

“Okashi, what must I do?” Asahi asked, hugging the bird tightly.

“You realize that this is why you were reborn, do you not?” Okashi said, looking up into her silver eyes. “Eterna cannot exist without you and vice versa. You are one with the planet, for it is it’s power that created you and vice versa.”

“Okashi…I won’t return to Eterna! They were the ones who brought this destruction on themselves,” Asahi’s anger boiled, suddenly making her mind clear.

“Asahi…” Okashi began.

“NO!” Asahi’s eyes became dark.

Okashi looked at her one last time before he fluttered away from her and settled on the desk.

“You are trying to run from your destiny, Asahi-chan,” Okashi said, still looking at her before he turned into golden dust.

“Okashi!” Asahi cried in surprise as she tried to grab the little bits of dust that disappeared as soon as her hand brushed against them.

Okashi…please understand…

“Asahi-chan, why aren’t you talking much?” Koei asked during recess the next day.

“I’m just tired,” Asahi said, kicking the dirt in front of her.

“Hmm…” Koei said, just staring at her.

“I just wonder about this strange aura that everybody’s talkin’ about,” Asahi finally said after a moment of silence.

“Oh. Well, you don’t have to worry! I’m here to protect you!” Koei winked as he stuck his chest out and strutted in front of her.

Asahi giggled despite herself.

“Prince Koei, at your service, M’lady,” Koei smiled. “In the name of love and justice, I will punish all evil.”

Asahi smiled as she watched her friend fight invisible enemies.

Suddenly shouts were heard coming from the playground. Asahi stood up abruptly as she saw the dark cloud that had begun to form. Beside her, Koei stopped playing and stared as well.

The presence…the presence I felt before Eterna disappeared into Anarchy…

“Anarchia…” Asahi whispered, knowing, somehow, that Earth’s end had come.

“What?” Koei asked.

Visions of the past echoed in Asahi’s mind as she saw the dark cloud forming. Suddenly, she felt something wet running down her cheek. She touched her face and realized that she was crying.

Please…leave me alone! What does this evil want from me?!!

“Leave me alone!” Asahi screamed even as the darkness suddenly exploded in a torrent of evil.

“Asahi!” Koei suddenly screamed.

Asahi’s heart lept to her throat as she watched the city around her suddenly explode into a riot. People killed each other and laughed as blood spilled into the concrete.

I am dead…all I see…I cannot prevent…I do not exist in this time…not in this planet. “Koei!” Asahi screamed as she saw her playmate suddenly melt into the exploding darkness and felt the river of tears that spilled over her cheeks as she helplessly watched.

“Koei! Don’t leave! Nooooo!”

“Asahiiii!!!….” Koei reached out to her as the scenes in front of her became hauntingly familiar.

“No…it can’t happen again. Not here,” she whispered, clutching her hands to her chest. “Not here.”

I died to relive this moment. To see my mistake...

“Okashi…please! Come to me once more!” Asahi fell to her knees, clapping her hands over her ears as her tears continued to flow. “Okashi!”

“Eos…my princess,” Okashi’s voice floated like a ghost around her.

“Okashi?!” Asahi cried, looking up and through her tear-blurred vision, she saw the brilliant glow of golden light obscured by the figure of a dove with outstretched wings.

“Eos…the future Empress of Eterna…the salvation that we seek. You are…the only one.”

Okashi…this is my fault, isn’t it? I destroyed Earth because I could not forgive… “Little Empress,” Okashi whispered. “It is too late. Eterna…the Earth…they have fallen under Anarchy…you are alone leave now!”

“Okashi! No! This cannot be the end! This won’t be the final outcome!” Asahi shrieked, even as she began to hear screams of anguish.

Suddenly, a shining star appeared in the middle of her forehead.

Eterna! Lend me your power! Give me your light!

A flash of golden light suddenly erupted from the darkness and a shining soldier stood in the light’s midst.

“Empress! Your light…it penetrates the darkness.!” Okashi said with awe.

The light of this planet’s star…it’s powers are mine to control?? How can this be??

“Eos…my daughter…shine, once more as the goddess of light…”

“A new soldier?!” Okashi cried, staring as the golden light revealed his mistress in a sailor fuku.

“Summoned from the depths of the underworld, I am Sailor Apollo, goddess of light…” Apollo said, her flaming red hair flowing down to her ankles and her golden eyes flashing. A staff stood beside her, held by long, delicate fingers.

“The evil is retreating!” Okashi cried in awe.

“Golden Symphony Spell!” Apollo cried, as golden light burst from the staff and a strange melody floated around them.

“Aaaaaahhh!” a voice screamed as the light sliced through the evil, making it retreat.

“Aaaaaaaaahhh!” Apollo echoed, suddenly letting go of her staff.

“Apollo!” Okashi cried as he saw the light disappear.

In the blink of an eye, the darkness disappeared and around them, those who had survived lay in pools of blood. Apollo herself had collapsed and had returned to a little girl.

“Asahi…”Okashi whispered as he landed beside her face.

“Uhhh,” Asahi mumbled as her eyes fluttered open.

“Okashi…what happened? I felt pain…” “I don’t know…” Okashi said, as she sat up.

“Koei!” Asahi cried, feeling the tears well up in her eyes even as she saw her best friend, lying in the dirt, the bright blood flowing from his chest.

“Koei!! No…no….no! Koei! Please!” Asahi shrieked hysterically as she ran to him and saw that indeed, he was dead.

“Koei…my friend…my cherished friend!” she began to sob uncontrollably as she held his body in her arms.

“Eos-sama…” Okashi whispered as he watched the scene.

“No! Please! Koei! Come back to me! Come back! Like I did!” Asahi continued to scream, alone amongst a city of death.

Asahi sat in the playground. The star-filled night sky gave the city a cloak of serenity under the full moon. Koei still lay in her arms, his blood soaked into her uniform.

“Eos-sama?” Okashi asked, after he heard her sobs calming.

“Okashi…you were right…” Eos whispered. “If I continue to run…this evil will spread and continue to follow me.” She sniffled.

“It was too sudden,” Okashi began. “Even the Queen had no time to raise her army. If you had known this was to happen…”

“I must return to Eterna…” Asahi said, wiping her tears with her small hands and gently laying Koei back on the ground. After a trembling kiss on his forehead, she stood up and looked at Okashi.

“Show me the way.”
Act II

Sailor Apollo