Mars lay on the ground, her long dark hair spread about her like a black velvet curtain. The fire before her had gone out and the room was bathed in darkness.
“Mars!” Venus cried as she bent down beside her friend.
“Ohhhhh….” Mars moaned as she sat up and held her head. “Evil…lurking…from the sun…”
“Evil?” Venus asked.
“Just now…a sun spot…an evil activity…” Mars said, looking up, her intense eyes growing worried.
“We must warn the Queen,” Venus said, getting up immediately and running out the door.
“No use…” Mars grumbled as she tried to stand.
The city woke up as the sun began to rise. People who had survived looked about them with horror at the dead that lay in heaps around them.
Screams were heard as the Queen watched from the control room. Her lips pursed together as she wondered what could have happened to the power of the Silver Crystal.
“Endymion,” Selenity said as she felt a strong hand on her shoulder. “What happened? The power of the Moon…it is slowly weakening. The Silver Crystal did not protect our city…”
“Selenity…do not forget our promise…no matter what happens, we will protect this city…together with both crystals…don’t worry,” Endymion whispered as he took her hand in his and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Asahi watched the city awaken from her perch on top of one of the highest buildings in Tokyo. She looked down at her hands and at the tear that suddenly dropped from her eyes.
I’m transparent…I don’t exist. I…I am only a ghost of who I was supposed to be…
“Eos-sama,” Okashi said, as he floated onto her shoulder. “We cannot leave until the sun sets.”
“Okashi…I will do my best to save this planet and Eterna,” Asahi said.
“You are only a little girl, Eos-sama,” Okashi said, staring out at the rising sun. “This planet is not yours to protect. See the last shining slivers of the Moon? Silver Millenium still stands. The Silver Crystal’s power will never wane…”
“Yes…but I feel…something is not right…this planet’s star…powerful…yet a darkness is beginning to spread from it,” Eos looked at the sun with a scrutinizing eye.
“You have one day left to spend with the people you love here on Earth, Asahi. Eterna’s core is deteriorating…we cannot let this happen…do you understand this evil?” Okashi asked, turning to her.
“No…I only feel that it is familiar…I don’t know anything certain about it,” Asahi said, looking at Okashi.
Suddenly, Asahi looked up, her eyes glazed and searching.
“Asahi?” Okashi asked, looking at her.
“Someone…” Asahi said suddenly. “Don’t you feel it? In the breeze…there is a power that’s calling for the power of the light.”
“N-there! Yes! I felt it…just then…” Okashi cried, scanning the horizon.
Asahi’s mind suddenly became troubled.
Could it be an enemy? But it needs me…My heart tells me to follow this call…what is behind it?
“Come on, Okashi, we must go to whoever calls,” Asahi said and Okashi emmitted a brilliant light from the star on his forehead.
Asahi felt herself drawn to this calling power and as she felt the power grow stronger, her heart began to beat faster.
What’s wrong with me? This could be a trap!
Suddenly, they appeared in the park where the cool breeze somewhat lifted Asahi’s spirits a little.
“Okashi…it’s not here,” Asahi said, looking around.
“We may not be able to see it,” Okashi pointed out. “This is where the power that calls is strongest, though.”
Asahi’s heart beat a little faster as she knew that what Okashi had said was true.
“Of course…we cannot see it…” Asahi mumbled.
“Asahi-sama, I will wait here and watch for anything that appears. You still have many things to take care of.” Okashi said seriously.
“Of course,” Asahi nodded as she began to race away toward the penthouse where she lived.
“Mama! Papa!” Asahi cried as she opened the door to their home.
“Asahi-chan?” Mrs. Uchuno appeared from her room, rubbing her eyes. “Oh, where did you come from?!”
Mrs. Uchuno’s eyes had grown wide as she saw Asahi’s blood-stained uniform.
“Mama!” Asahi cried as she came forward and hugged her.
“Ohhh…Asahi-chan? What’s the matter, my daughter?” Asahi asked.
“Mama…” Asahi whispered as she clutched at her mother’s dress. “I must go away…I must.”
“Away, to where?” Mrs. Uchuno asked laughingly misunderstanding her daughter as she kneeled to her level and gave her a hug. “And when will you be back?”
“I don’t know,” Asahi said, tears flowing from her eyes.
“Ohh…okay. Just remember that breakfast is almost ready.” Mrs. Uchuno smiled, not seeing the tears in her daughter’s eyes.
“Mama…” Asahi whispered, her head down as Mrs. Uchuno stood up and went back into the kitchen.
“By the way,” Mrs. Uchuno called just as she heard the door suddenly slam shut. “Asahi?”
Asahi ran from the penthouse, her eyes filled with tears as she put her coat on. A chill had suddenly invaded her inner body.
I can’t tell her…I can’t say goodbye…
“Uchuno-san?” a voice suddenly asked from behind her.
Asahi stopped, quickly wiped her tears and turned around to see Ayame looking at her, holding a jump rope.
“Huh?” Asahi asked.
“Umm…I’m Ayame…I have heard so much about you,” Ayame said, giving a slight bow.
“Oh,” was all Asahi could say as she realized that Ayame was a fan.
“I thought…just then…you looked so sad,” Ayame said with concern.
“Oh…no, I’m okay, I just have to leave for a while…” Asahi said, conscious of her nose running.
“Leave? To where?” Ayame asked, furrowing her brow.
“Somewhere…far…”Asahi said, taking a deep breath.
“You may not know me, Uchuno-san, but I know you…your movies…I’ve watched every one,” Ayame said. “You can always talk to me.”
“Thank you,” Asahi smiled, a warm feeling coming over her.
Why must I be depressed? This is my last day here. I will spend it with all the vigor and life that I used to have…
“Hey…do you want to go to the ice cream store?” Asahi asked, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.
“Okay!” Ayame smiled, her eyes twinkling.
“Strawberry!” Asahi shouted out at the ice cream parlour as Ayame stared at her with wide eyes. People turned to stare at the loud Asahi.
“Uchuno-san!” Ayame cried in bewilderment.
“Ayame-chan…don’t call me Uchuno-san…you can call me Asahi-chan,” Asahi smiled as she took her strawberry ice cream and licked the sides of the cone.
Ayame stared at how carefree Asahi seemed to be.
When she got her ice cream, the two girls sat down in a booth.
“Asahi-chan,” Ayame reluctantly said the name. “I have always wondered what you were like as a person.”
“Oh…hehehe,” Asahi smiled, forgetting her problems for a few moments. “I’m somewhat spacey and I love to play tricks on people…it’s one of my hobbies. People say I’m weird, but I like being weird.”
“What’s it like to be a huge movie star?” Ayame asked.
“I always have to run from people when they recognize me. As a matter of fact…” Asahi motioned toward the rest of the people in the parlour.
Heads had turned toward them and a buzzing of whispers was heard. Asahi gave a face and immediately, the heads turned away.
“Wow…to attract that kind of attention!” Ayame cried, watching the people who continued to whisper but did not look at them.
“Oh, you get tired of it after a while,” Asahi said carelessly.
“I don’t think so. To be a movie star is my dream,” Ayame said, her eyes twinkling brightly. “Even if I’m shy…I don’t care...I still believe that I can make it.”
Asahi looked at her friend as her thoughts began to fly.
My dream…I remember now…I wanted this life…somehow, I knew that being in the movies wasn’t my only destiny. I wanted to be a soldier…like the Empress…I wanted my life…I still do…
“Thank you, Ayame-chan,” Asahi smiled as she scooped a huge mouthful of ice cream into her mouth.
“Huh? For what?” Ayame asked, puzzled.
“For helping me realize that dreams are more than thoughts,” Asahi replied, still smiling.
It was already after noon when Asahi said goodbye to Ayame.
“I still have to go to lunch,” Ayame said as she checked her watch. “In fact, I kinda’ stayed out late.”
“Oh, sorry to have kept you so long,” Asahi smiled.
“Bye Asahi-chan,” Ayame said as she was about to go.
“Wait!” Asahi said suddenly.
Ayame turned toward her.
Asahi gave her a kiss on her forehead.
“Huh? What was that for?” Ayame asked.
“Be careful, Ayame-chan,” Asahi said, her eyes darkening.
Asahi watched her new friend until she disappeared along the horizon.
Ayame-chan…a friend…
“Huh?” Asahi watched as a dark cloud suddenly appeared, swirling in the blue sky. “Another dark force?!”
Suddenly, she remembered Ayame.
She’s going straight toward the vortex!
“Ayame-chan! Wait!” Asahi screamed as she began to run. “Powers of light! Come to your mistress! Apollo Golden Starlight! Make-up!”
As soon as she transformed, Apollo ran toward the dark cloud’s center, even as it began to grow.
“Ayame!” she screamed as she saw Ayame frozen underneath the cloud, staring up at it with horror.
Ayame turned to see her, but before she could comprehend what was happening, dark energy erupted from the cloud and crashed into the ground. In a few seconds, Ayame had disappeared and all around Apollo the ground shook and debris flew toward her. Apollo expected the bits of concrete to go through her, but instead, they cut her like razor sharp knives.
I am real…
“Ayame!! Golden Symphony Spell!” Apollo screamed, letting out a blast of light as the debris became excruciating.
The light hit the very center of the cloud, but nothing happened. A roar crashed in her ears as she concentrated all of her strength toward the cloud. Soon, she began to grow tired and the cloud began to grow again as it fought against her.
I can’t keep this up!
Gritting her teeth, she tried to push all thoughts of giving up away from her mind. However, her energy was limited and she soon collapsed, expecting darkness to enter her as soon as she hit the ground. Her vision suddenly became foggy and she fell as the cloud roared louder.
“Hello?” an unfamiliar voice broke through the silence.
She slowly rose to consciousness, aware of seemingly thousands of soft cushions stuck on her body as she moved. As she felt them, she realized that they were bandages.
“Ayame…”she whispered, suddenly remembering her friend.
“Are you okay?” the voice asked again.
Asahi brushed the hair from her eyes and looked up to see a young man looking down at her with concern.
“Who-who are you?” she asked, her mouth feeling like it was stuffed with cotton.
“I’m Valin,” the young man said as he helped her sit up.
Looking around, Asahi realized that she was in an apartment that was sparsely furnished, yet the furniture that it did have were all foreign and exotic. The one thing that caught her eye, however, was what appeared to be a jewel-encrusted needle topped by the figure of a woman with wings protected by a glass cover. She stared at this figure even as Valin stood up and gave her a bowl of soup.
“Go on and drink,” Valin urged her as she stared at the green concoction.
“Uhh…no thank you…what happened?” she asked, still looking around at the furniture.
“I found you lying in the street. You seemed to be hurt badly so I decided…” Valin said.
“Ohh…Okashi-chan must be worried,” Asahi said, holding her head as she climbed out of bed.
“What happened?” Valin asked, staring at the blood that stained her uniform, almost hidden by her coat.
“Nothing,” Asahi said, quickly covering the spots with the coat. “I must go. It’s almost sunset.”
Asahi had a fleeting view of Valin’s deep emerald eyes before she quickly ran out the door.
My heart is beating so fast…that young man…he gave me a strange look when I left…
Asahi ran until her lungs burned toward the park. When she arrived, Okashi was nowhere to be found.
“Okashi-chan?” she whispered ever so lightly as she saw a few people enjoying the serene air of the park.
Suddenly, she saw the world around her seem to ripple and people froze in their spot.
How strange…
“Asahi-sama, I thought you would never come,” Okashi said, appearing suddenly from a tree limb and landing on her shoulder.
“Are you alright? You’re coverd in bandages!” Okashi cried, staring at her.
“Yeah…I’ll be alright,” Asahi said, suddenly remembering her battle.
“The dark cloud that appeared…”Okashi murmured.
“Yeah…”Asahi said, trying hard to keep herself from crying. “Is it time?”
“No…the sun is not lying low on the horizon yet…we still have a few minutes,” Okashi said, staring out at the Sun that still continued to set even as the world around them stood still.
“Okashi, I will miss this world,” Asahi said, as she watched the Sun. “But I will not forget my dream because of my fear. Deep down, I knew I wanted to find you. I wanted to find this power. I knew…”
Okashi nodded before he said, “One way or another…one’s dream always comes true, even if you do not realize it.”
“Look,” Okashi suddenly said. “It is time. Transform…now!”
“Apollo Golden Starlight! Make-up!” Asahi shouted, her arms crossed over her chest.
A shrieking noise ravaged her ears as her energy beamed up into the sky.
“Aaaaaahh!” she screamed as she felt as though her ears would burst.
Shock after shock rolled through her body as she continued to send out her energy.
In a moment, she fell, her hands over her ears, trying to block the ringing sound.
“Apollo…” somebody said.
“Huh?” Apollo looked up to see Valin looking at her with his green eyes.
He isn’t affected by Okashi’s power?!!
“I knew you were nearby,” Valin continued. “Your strength can be felt…even when you do not wear the guise of a soldier.”
“How do you know who I am?” Apollo asked, the ringing in her ears stopping abruptly.
“I was the one who called you.” Valin replied.