Sailor Neptune

Who is Sailor Neptune?

She is sixteen year old Kaioh Michiru, or Complete Ocean King, the elegant and beautiful senshi of the sea. As Michiru, she is very talented in many things including painting, swimming and playing her violin. In fact, Michiru is a famous violinist. She is found by the senshi with Sailor Uranus looking for the pure heart crystals that are within every person.

As Michiru, she was born on March 6, and she was born under the sign of Pisces. Her blood type is O and her favorite color is marine blue. Her favorite food is sashimi while her least favorite is kikurage, or mushrooms. She goes to the illustrious Mugen Gakuen (Infinity) school and her favorite subject is music. As for her hobbies, she likes playing with her violin and collecting cosmetics. She has troubles, however, with sea cucumbers. Michiru is the most elegant and talented of the other girls and is also older than the four inner soldiers. Her personality is that of a mature young woman who thinks more often than her partner, Haruka does.

Her relationship with Haruka is often gawked at and shied from since it is a very intimate relationship. They go to the same school and even live in the same apartment. Many people have even tried to turn their story around so that Haruka is actually guy, however, this is not the case. Even if it may be hard to accept for some people, these two were meant for each other and yes, they are lesbians.

As a senshi, Neptune is always associated with Uranus. They are always seen together, partly because they're mission is the same: find the three talismans that would reveal the holy grail and the Messiah who would save the Earth. Their mission is fulfilled, however, when she is "killed" by Eudial(one of the witches five who are the minions of the S season) and her heart crystal appears and becomes the Deep Aqua Mirror, one of the three talismans. Also, as an outer senshi, her powers are much stronger than her inner senshi equivalent,Sailor Mercury. Even their tasks as senshi are different, since the outers are meant to guard the Solar System from any invading force. Later, however, she and the other outers are joined with the inner soldiers to protect the princess.

Transformation and Forms

Neptune Planet Power! Make-up!*Neptune Planet Power!
Her transformation as Sailor Neptune, she spins around with a small ball of energy in her hand and a ring of water appears from underneath her and sorta jumps up when the ball passes over it. As soon as she makes a complete circle, the water rises and submerges her in water. When the water clears, she appears as Neptune and poses.
Neptune Crystal Power! Make up!(Manga)
Her second, more powerful form when Hotaru (Sailor Saturn) powers her up and gives her a new mission: to protect the princess. In the anime, she does become SS Neptune, but she is never given a henshin phrase or lone transformation sequence.
Princess Neptune
Her form as the Princess of Neptune

Attacks and Abilities

Deep Submerge*Neptune Deep Submerge
Her attack in which she summons water to rise all around her, which suddenly crashes and is directed toward the enemy
Submarine Reflection
This is her power in which the Deep Aqua Mirror is used in. She uses the mirror to reflect a powerful beam that shoots at the enemy.
Neptune Violin Tide (manga)
Her attack in which she uses her violin...o.o