She is fourteen year old Tsukino Usagi *Serena, or rabbit of the moon, a normal teenager until one day while she's running late to school. She sees a group of kids torturing a black cat with a bandage on it's forehead. Usagi stops to save the cat and even removes the bandage from it's forehead to reveal a gold crescent moon. Luna, the cat, then gets a strange feeling about the girl, yet Usagi runs away to get to school. At about the same time, an evil force is plotting the conquering of Earth. The Dark Kingdom, ruled by Queen Beryl sends one of it's warriors down to Earth to gather energy from
humans so that the Dark Kingdom *Negaverse could gain enough energy to ressurect it's true leader, Queen Metallia *Negaforce. Meanwhile, after school, as Usagi is resting inside her room,she hears her window being opened. Turning around,
she sees the black cat she saved that afternoon. Luna then tells her that she has been looking for her and that she was the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon, or Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon. Usagi, freaked out by
a talking cat is not persuaded until Luna does a backflip and a beautiful brooch appears. Luna tells her to get it and shout Moon Prism Power! Make-up! When Usagi does, she transforms into Sailor Moon and fights the youmas that the
Dark Kingdom sends in most every episode.
As Usagi, she is a klutzy crybaby in the very
beginning of the series. She would be what
one would consider a bad super-heroine, yet she is very
caring and usually finds the power within her when
it is very important. She was born on June 30 and
she is a Cancer. Her bloodtype is O and her
hobbies include eating, shopping and just basically
being lazy. Her favorite colors are pink and white
and her favorite food is cake and ice cream. As a
pun, her least favorite food is carrots. At home,
she lives with her mother Ikuko and her father, and her younger brother Shingo. She
at first goes to Juuban Junior high, then moves on to
Juuban High School. Her favorite subject at school
is Home Economics and her least favorite is math.
One thing that strikes me most about her is how humane her character is in the manga. Unlike most other characters that I'm used to seeing in most every American-made character, Usagi changes through the series and also has characteristics that make you believe that she really does exist somewhere. Of course, she was modeled after the creator herself, which could
provide the reason for her well-developed character, but this is still a concept rather new to me, considering I'm used to seeing very biased characters, or characters who are based on one thing. Usagi really is one of the very few leaders of a group of characters that is liked most above the group (eg. in the powerpuff girls, most people prefer buttercup to blossom).
As a senshi, she is still her same self, except she
plays a very important part of the Sailors. She
was once the Moon princess who the senshi swore
to protect, yet failed a thousand years ago when
the Dark Kingdom had invaded the Moon. When the
Moon princess was killed, the Queen of the Moon,
Queen Serenity reincarnated them in Earth. To make sure that the
Dark Kingdom would not be able to take their lives
again, she sent them two guardian cats named Luna
and Artemis. Sailor Moon's powers are clearly seen to evolve into more powerful forms as she grows in her senshi experience. Also, because of this form, the clutzy crybaby that we see at the beginning slowly begins to evolve into a mature, responsible young girl by the end of the fifth season.
Her first transformation as Sailor Moon, she
raises her hand into the sky as she shouts out
the henshin phrase. Her nails glow pink and her
hand becomes shimmery and transparent. We
then see her turning, then pink ribbons come
and wrap her torso like a mummy. The pink
ribbons then become her bodice. After that,
the ribbons move on to her gloves, and finally,
her boots. The last things to appear are her
accessories: tiara, earrings and hairball thing.
Finally, she poses on a background of a crescent
She uses this on the third episode when Luna
gives her the transformation pen. She raises
the pen into the air and shouts out the henshin
phrase. She then becomes a figure of light and
as stars go up beside her figure, her lips
become pink and she becomes transformed into
whoever she wants to become. Usagi uses this
to infiltrate an enemy's plan, or even for fun
(like matchmaking):)
Whwn her brooch is destroyed by a youma, her
mother gives her the Crystal Star. It's a pink
compact with a star design on the cover and
the Ginzuishou *(Imperium) Silver Crystal inside. As she raises the
compact, she opens it with a touch, then
becomes transparent. The ribbons wrap her up
as always, but as her bodice is being formed,
huge wings appear behind her. The rest
appear in order, except we actually see how
her ribbon appears behind her at the end.
As she poses, the moon behind her has a pretty
intricate design on it
Using the Cosmic Heart Compact, she says
this to become yet another, more powerful form
of Sailor Moon. Actually, this is the first
time that Sailor Moon's outfit varies from the
two previous transformations. Here, her choker
has a heart instead of a moon. This is when a hollow
heart surrounds her body up to the waist and the
pink ribbons surround her as always, except
during the making of her boot, she kicks her feet
high above her head.
At first, she used this with the Holy Grail.
During the use of the Holy Grail, she is encased
in this transparent cocoon thing, then when
she emerges all these butterflies fly out, then
her transformation into Super Sailor Moon
begins. This, however is very taxing to her strength
because she has to first become Sailor Moon, then
power up. When the Holy Grail is no longer there
to give her power, she is powered up by Helios and is
given a new brooch.
Used to transform into her final form in the anime,
she uses a new compact (of course!) which appears in the
screen in the beginning, as it opens, lights gather at
a point, which suddenly becomes a crescent moon. The
camera zooms out and we see that the crescent moon is
on Usagi's forehead. Her wings are folded over her, and
as they open, her bodice is formed with her arms straight out to her sides. She then turns around
and we watch her gloves form through the same pink ribbons.
When she turns back to the camera, feathers fly everywhere and her skirt is
formed and she stands straight until the end of the song
in which she does a pose with her knee up. (The animated gif
that I have up here is a variation of this transformation)
Princess Serenity *Princess Serena
Her form on the Moon a thousand years ago in
the Silver Millenium *Moon Kingdom during her mother, Queen Serenity's, reign
and when she had fallen in love with
Prince Endymion *Prince Darien
Neo-Queen Serenity
Her form as queen of the future Utopia known as
Crystal Tokyo. She is also the mother of Chibi-Usa*Rini,
and the wife of King Endymion
Sailor Cosmos(manga)
Her form in the far future when she fled from Chaos
and goes back to the past as Sailor Chibi Chibi in order
to help her past self make the right decision.
This has been debated over, but if you read Alex Glover's
translations, it has Sailor Cosmos refer to Eternal Sailor
Moon as her past self. This form is never seen in the anime, for some strange reason, making us really confused as to where Chibi Chibi would really belong...o.o;
She holds her tiara by the red gem, then takes it
off of her forehead, then spins around with it until
it becomes a glowing disk. As she says her henshin
phrase, she throws the tiara frisbee style and it
usually annihalates the youma
Moon Tiara Stardust!
A healing method when her tiara sprinkles dust
over whoever she wants to heal. This was in an episode
that was cut from the English version.
Sailor Moon Kick
As the name implies, this is when she kicks
her opponents. I only know that Venus once
used this when she was pretending to be
Sailor Moon.
She uses the Moon Stick to turn youmas
back into humans. She creates a thin glowing
circle around her body and dust sprinkles over
the youma. As a crescent moon appears above
the youma's body, he or she turns back to a
Her attack in which she uses the Cutie Moon
Rod which was given to her by her mother
along with the Crystal Star when her tiara
stopped working. She spins around and waves
the rod, then says the henshin phrase. As she
does, stars, dust and moons fly at the enemy,
usually destroying them
Sailor Body Attack
This is when she throws her body against
her opponent (lame sounding isn't it?)
As Sailor Moon, she spins around really
fast and spins another one of her wands
as she, too spins around really fast,
at the end, the wand blasts out hearts
Double Sailor Moon Kick
This is one of the two attacks that she
does with Sailor Chibi-Moon. It's the
same, however as the Sailor Moon Kick
This looks a lot like the Moon Spiral
Heart Attack, except butterflies fly out
at the enemy right before the hearts
and this was used by Super Sailor Moon
Another attack used by Eternal Sailor
Moon using the eternal "tiel". It seems to be an upgraded version of the Honeymoon therapy kiss and I heard it was upgraded by Chibi Chibi.