Sailor Mars

Hino Rei

Who Is Sailor Mars?

She is Hino Rei,or Spirit of Fire,a girl who lives at the Hikawa Jinja, where she first meets Usagi. When charms are being sold at the shrine, Usagi, her best friend Naru and another girl just have to have one and on their visit to the shrine, they find a beautiful and graceful fourteen year old girl who has quite a temper(actually it's in the manga that she's graceful. When she tried to dance once in the anime, she looked kinda klutzy). When Usagi is attacked by Rei, who thinks she is evil, Usagi finds out that Rei actually is psychic. When Rei stumbles on a Dark Kingdom plot, she is thrown into another dimension and attacked by a youma. However, a glowing Mars sign appears on her forehead, and Usagi learns that Rei is really Sailor Mars, although Luna felt it first and left the Mars transformation pen to her before she was taken (confusing huh?).

As Hino Rei, she is confident and always scolds Usagi for being lazy. She was born in the 17th of April and her Astrological sign is Aries. Her bloodtype is AB and her favorite colors are red and black(probably since red is her senshi color). Her hobbies include fortunetelling, reading, and singing and she hopes to be a Shinto priestess, a wife and a singer. Her favorite foods are Fugu(puffer fish), and vegetarian pizza, although she hates canned asparagus. Unlike most of the other senshi, Rei goes to a private school known as T*A Private school (strangely enough, a catholic school). Her favorite subject is Ancient Writing, and she hates modern social studies. The reason for her living with only her grandfather and Yuuchirou(a worker at the temple), was because her mother died when she was very young and her father is a politician who Rei rarely ever sees, although she is rich enough to go to a private school. Her relationship with Usagi, would sometimes be classified as mean, but actually, Rei really cares about Usagi. This isn't shown a lot through the first series, except around the time they find out that she is the princess and around the end of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars(the fifth and last season) when she suffers the longest and saddest death out of all the senshi.

Another thing about Rei is that she is considered by many to be the prettiest inner senshi. Whenever Ms. Takeuchi draws Rei, she looks as if she was worked harder on than the others. Her clothes are usually the coolest and most daring. Most of all, she looks great in both the anime and the manga. Rei-chan has to be my most favorite character in Sailor Moon. In fact, I think she is Ms. Takeuchi's favorite senshi next to maybe Sailor Moon. Of course, a lot of people may disagree, but see, only few people can actually see why she's even what they believe she is to be. Even though I've only seen the DIC Episodes, I still think of her as being the coolest. First of all, Rei has a lot of self confidence, in opposition to Ami who is rather weak inside, considering she can't really stand up for herself. Plus, since Rei was left alone by her parents, you can't blame her for trying to succeed in everything that she does. Another thing I like about Rei is that she is very independent. She basically runs the temple already, she doesn't care if she has a boyfriend to support her, unlike Mako and Mina. She also has a lot of self-discipline which is a very good leadership characteristic. In fact, around the time she met Usagi, I'd say that she would have been a really good leader for the senshi. She has the markings of an outer senshi, considering when Ms. Takeuchi draws her in the manga, she looks darker than she does in the anime. Also, if anyone has seen the manga, has anyone besides me notice the gem on the skirt of Mars, the first time she appears? She's the only one who has that (not even Sailor Moon had it!!). Also, she has her own two, count 'em TWO, crow guardians who can turn into humans named Phobos and Deimos. She's basically the senshi closest to being perfect. Usagi is too whiny in DIC, Ami is too quiet (don't get me wrong, she's my second favorite senshi), Mako is just way too under rated, Mina is like another Usagi, minus the whiny part, execpt they look like twins and that totally ruins her uniqueness, Michiru and Haruka are, shall we say going off the wrong path, Hotaru is too depressing and Pluto is just so mysterious, quiet and somewhat also deppressing. Of course, they each have their good points, but they are so very emphasized, that I suppose everyone can see them. Rei is just a little sophisticated and can dress well, so that only those who actually even try to understand people can see the good in her. Oh, and one more thing, Rei even is more beautiful than Michiru, considering her dark hair and light skin. That's the best combination since the two really contrast. Plus, she's the coolest since she's the only one that looks trully Japanese, and who else has a power they can conjure up without having to be a senshi? In fact she has two powers she can conjure up, her ESP and ofuda.

As Sailor Mars, her powers are associated with fire and her color is red, in relation to her planet which is called both the planet of fire and the red planet. Although some might think she is the strongest, it isn't so(although I think it ought to be) the reason it may seem like it is because she has enough confidence to make her powers seem bigger than they are. In the manga, her powers are stronger and she is even paired with Venus who is the leader.

Transformations and Forms

Mars Power! Make-up! *Mars Power!
This is Rei's first transformation into Sailor Mars, using the henshin wand Luna gives her. She raises the pen into the air and shouts out the henshin phrase. She becomes a glowing figure of red, black and purple as snake-like fire surrounds her body in circles. When the hoops of fire disappear, her shoes show up, then the rest of her body as she twirls. Finally she poses and fire goes off in the back.
Mars Star Power! Make-up! *Mars Star Power!
Her second, more potent transformation into Sailor Mars which is basically the same as the first one, except she raises her hand in the beginning as her nails become colored red and start to glow, then her henshin wand appears spinning, then she catches it and the fire tendrils come out. At the end, the mars sign appears behind her.
Mars Crystal Power! Make-up!
Her final transformation in the series when she becomes Super Sailor Mars and her wand is upgraded by Helios.
Princess Mars
Like Usagi, Rei is also a princess, but of the planet Mars. A thousand years ago, she was part of Serenity's court in the Silver Millenium.

Attacks and Abilities:

Ofuda *Mars Fireballs Charge!
Rei,(yes Rei, not Sailor Mars only) blesses an ofuda or anti-evil scroll with the words "Rin, pyou, tou, sha, kai, jin, retsu, sai, zen! Aku Ryo Tai San!" Then she throws it at the enemy which stuns and paralyzes them. Rei can throw as many of these as she wants. In the manga, this is her power as a senshi, except it conjures flames. Originally, the buddhist god of fire appears when she uses this, but DIC edited it so that he never appears.
Fire Soul *Mars Fire Ignite!
Her first attack in the series as Sailor Mars, she forms a triangle with her pointer fingers. Fire meets at the point where her fingers meet and sends a stream of fire at the enemy. When she first used this, it became a column.
Fire Soul Bird *Mars Firebird Strike!
This was her second attack as the original Sailor Mars. She does exactly what she does with the Fire Soul, but she adds her ofuda for extra power, creating a bird made of fire that can move wherever it wants to in order to get to the enemy.
Fire Soul Variation*Mars Firestorm Flash
This was used before the burning mandala against a Black Moon sister.
Burning Mandala *Mars Celestial Fire Surround!
She creates a large ring around herself which become a mandala(circles with japanese symbols inside them that form a circle), then shoots hoops of fire at the enemy.
Mars Snake Fire
An attack seen only in one of the movies (yah, I forgot which one) a fire ball shoots from one hand to the other in an arc, then she spins around with the fire spinning around her in tendrils, and finally, the fire just goes everywhere around her.
Mars Flame Sniper
As Super Sailor Mars, she creates a bow and arrow made of fire, then shoots the arrow at the enemy.

*DIC (English) Version