Sailor Chibi Moon


Who is Sailor Chibi Moon?:

She is Chiba Usagi, or Earth Rabbit,also known as Chibi-Usa *Rini, a pink haired little girl who drops on Usagi's*Serena's head while she was kissing Mamoru*Darien. Later, when Usagi goes home she finds that little Chibi-Usa is accepted by her mother and father as her cousin. She finds out that to take that role, Chibi-Usa not only hypnotized her family, but she also has pictures of events that didn't exist. Rei later states that the pictures were fake. Even though Usagi and Chibi-Usa don't get along, Sailor Moon finds herself always saving the little girl from the Black Moon*Dark Moon family. Later, when the senshi travel to the future, Usagi and Mamoru find out that Chibi-usa is none other than their future daughter. When the Black Moon Family is finally defeated, Chibi-Usa returns to the future. Later,in S, she returns to train as a sailor senshi. Thus she becomes Sailor Chibi-Moon. (In the manga, she becomes Sailor Chibi Moon because of Pluto's death)

As Chibi-Usa, she was born on June 30th and she is a Cancer, exactly like her mother. Her bloodtype is O and her favorite colors are red, pink and blue. She likes annoying Usagi and drawing and dislikes carrots as a pun to her name. She attends Juuban Elementary School and her favorite subject is drawing and her least favorite subject is the Japanese language. She is also the princess of Crystal Tokyo and went to Usagi's time to save the future and her mother.

Of all characters in Sailor Moon, no other character is disliked as much as Chibi Usa. In the anime, she is depicted as a whining, bratty, spoiled little girl who seems infatuated with Usagi's Mamo-chan and seems rather useless in battle. Of course, not many realize that Chibi Usa has her points. Like her mother, Chibi Usa is very very friendly. She seems to befriend everything around her and can be trully caring. In fact, had she not appeared, Sailor Pluto would have destroyed the senshi when they try to travel through the Time Portal and Hotaru would remain alone and friendless. When we first meet her, she seems very demanding and bossy, but you have to remember that she is in a position that would frighten any little girl into doing anything she can to succeed. The whole future lies within her mission and Chibi Usa knows this.

As a senshi, Sailor Chibi Moon is one of the weaker senshi. Probably even the weakest. Her powers are usually very cute, but they barely do anything and it's because she is just in training. Later, however, she recieves stronger powers.

Transformations and Forms:

Moon Prism Power! Make-up!
Yes, it is exactly Usagi's first henshin phrase to turn into Sailor Moon.
Moon Crisis! Make-up!
She says this to turn into Super Sailor Chibi-Moon using the holy grail.
Princess Lady Serenity (Small Lady)
This is her true form as the princess of the future, daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion. Sailor Pluto, however, calls her Small Lady.
Black Lady
Her older and evil form when the Wiseman corrupted her memories and turned her into a part of the Black Moon*Dark Moon family.

Attacks and Abilities:

Luna P (change?)*Kitty Magic!
Chibi-Usa says this as she tosses the Luna P up into the air and it turns into an object that she needs(like an umbrella to hypnotize Usagi's family). The Luna P is the floating ball that looks like Luna.
Pink Sugar Heart Attack
Sailor Chibi Moon's attack that just stuns and distracts the enemy. She uses a heart topped Moon Rod that shoots pink heart fireworks.
Twinkle Yell
Super Sailor Chibi Moon uses her Crystal Carillon, a hollow heart shape that has a small bell. She uses this to call on Pegasus.
Moon Gorgeous Meditation
I only know that she has this attack because of the manga. She uses the Chibi Moon Kaleidescope, given to her by Pegasus. She can only use this with Super Sailor Moon.

*DIC (English Version) Translations