Yume Miru Dakeja Dame Usagi's Image Song from the first season, it's really really kawaii!
Onaji Namido Wo Wakeatte Ami's Image Song from the second season (Sailor Moon R), this is one of the prettiest image songs
Eien No Melody Rei's Image Song, also from the R season is one of the really pretty ones. This sorta' sounds like "Oh Starry Night" from the English Dub and in fact, is the original song that Rei sings
Wasureru Tame ni Koi wo Shinaide Makoto's Image Song from the R season
Route Venus Minako's Image Song from the last season (Sailor Moon Sailor Stars), this is written by Takeuchi-san herself and is also her favorite *.*
Haruka to Michiru A song dedicated to Michiru (Sailor Neptune) from Haruka (Sailor Uranus)*Song only
Moonlight Densetsu The opening song of Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon S, and Sailor Moon Super S
You're Just My Love A very beautiful song (it is soooo easy to sing along too!! Yaaayyy!). This is a song that expresses the love between Usagi and Mamoru and are even sung by their Seiyuus! My fave ^.^
Motto Suteki Na Asa Ga Kuru Yo A pretty, somewhat dramatic song that has a somewhat long introduction in the beginning, not to mention a long name ^.^
Moon Revenge A song from the Sailor Moon R Movie
Rashiko Ikimasho A song from Super S and also featured in Ami's mini movie called "Ami No Hatsukoi"
Tuxedo Mirage The end theme to the Sailor Moon S season
Locket Theme Song of the star locket *Song only