Sailor Eternity

Essence of The Universe

A Saga in Seven Parts

Unlike the heavenly bodies of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn or Pluto, Eternity is not a planet. Instead it is a title given to me, Sailor Eternity the Guardian Senshi of the Universe. Also, unlike the other senshi, I am not a princess, but an outcast from the planet I lived in. Refuge, it seemed could only be found on Earth, but that is how I came to be… -Eternity- Special Intro: The saga of Sailor Eternity is a love story and a sort of morale one that tells about true courage and how one doesn't have to be a senshi to become one. This story is dedicated to all those who ever hoped to become a senshi... VolumeI Act I: The Dark Crystal Act II: Death of a Senshi Volume II Act I: Rebirth Act II: Sailor Eternity Incarnate Volume III Act I: Who is Eternity? Act II: Toshiro Volume IV Act I: Shadow Raven Act II: Attack Act III: First Emotion Act IV: Decision Volume V Act I: The Violet Star Act II: The Truth Behind the Past Act III:Second Emotion Act IV: Zephyr Act V: Zephyr's Disappearance Volume VI Act I: Hiroshi aka Sailor Eternity Act II: Super Sailor Eternity Act III: Hiroshi's Second Past Act IV: Entering the Dark Kingdom Act V: Defeat Volume VII Act I: Toshiro and Hiroshi Act II: Sailor Chibi Eternity?? Act III:Battle of the Senshi Act IV: Eterna Epilogue: Aurora, Tithonus and Zephyr