Creating a Senshi
Things to Avoid
Important StepsSecond Step: Choosing a name Senshi names come from many things, but mostly they come from celestial bodies, or in the Anima-mates cases, they come from animals and elements put together. Be careful, though, your senshi's name has to have something to do with her story, or it won't follow the almost eerie pattern that Naoko-sama created. If she is to have an alter-ego, most of the time, it is preferred that it have something to do with her Senshi form. For example "Hino Rei" has "Hi" in her name which means fire. Third Step: Choosing Identity She can look the way you want her to look, but it would also be much better if her characteristics somehow fit her appearance. For example, if she's conservative, don't give her clothes that Rei-chan (Sailor Mars) would wear. Most of the senshi, when humans exude great talent that set them apart from the rest of the world. Whatever you choose for her hobbies and talents, it also would be best if it somehow ties into her senshi identity. For example, Sailor Uranus has the power of wind and Haruka likes to race. Another thing would be her birthday. (Phew, a whole lot, ne? But just think about how Takeuchi-sama created at least ten different soldiers. That's a whole lotta research!). Birthdays are ruled by different planets and just by choosing your character's birthday, you've already (this is not a set rule, though) chosen their character (how they behave and so on). Look through an astrology guide for the different kinds. If you wish to even be more correct, their blood types are supposed to go with their character. Third Step: Choosing Transformations For this, I would recommend thinking of a video in your head that's, what would it look like if they actually did an anime with your senshi in it? Their transformations must go along with whatever their powers are. It would be nicer if you put the original "Make-up!" at the end of each, since this is almost like a pun on their transformations, not to mention this helps you avoid those DIC-haters. Having said that, your transformation is all up to you! Final Step: Choosing Attacks A senshi's attack is what makes her a senshi, so choose these carefully! If you haven't noticed already, their attacks usually have fancy, big words in them that add to the appeal. Try not to use the same words that they used, or repeat words that you have already used. It is NOT necessary for them to have exactly four words of attack phrases (e.g. Venus Crescent Beam Smash). Don't think that this is the only way a senshi's attack is. In fact, it is noticed that as their power grows, so does the complexity of their attack phrases (Shabon Spray, Fire Soul, Supreme Thunder, Crescent Beam are replaced by Mercury Aqua Rhapsody, Mars Flame Sniper, Jupiter Oak Evolution, and Venus Love and Beauty Shock). Their sequences usually have something to do with the attack phrase and their senshi power. And you're done!! Your senshi is now ready for any story that you wish to create! If this guide has somewhat helped you, or you just wish to share your stories, I'd be more than happy to post them up for you! |