Act IV

Finally, the Third Soldier. Rebirth without Death.

Valin, still shocked by Asahi's sudden departure, was sitting on the couch when a loud explosion roared in his ears. Beads of sweat broke out on his forehead and a deep, scathing burning feeling ravaged his chest.



"Valin-kun!" Asahi screamed brokenly as she saw his body floating in the sky, emmitting a strange green energy.

"Hahahahaha!" Hydra laughed as she picked herself up from the ground, unconscious of the blood that had flowed from a cut on her lip.

"No...please..." Asahi begged in a ragged whisper.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" Valin continued to scream as the city was overtaken with the energy.

Cygnus stared, her violet eyes wide as Asahi's sorrow churned in her own heart. A rolling tear escaped from her eyes and dropped onto her hand.

Asahi-chan...I can feel your pain...flowing through me...why?

Suddenly, Asahi's eyes widened even further as she saw a sparkling figure floating from the peak of the Crystal Palace. She gasped and covered her mouth with her tears flowing faster as she realized who it was.

"No!! Please!!!!!" Asahi screamed as the figure began to blaze with the white, powerful, healing power of the Silver Crystal.

"Your evil is not wanted! I, the Neo Queen Serenity will banish you! In the name of peace!"

" no no..." Apollo continued to repeat.

"Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!" Serenity's voice resounded throughout the city as light of the Crystal beamed straight toward Valin's body.

A goddess of light...

The light reflected in Apollo's eyes as her heart cried out against it and she began to glow. In a second, she had disappeared and reappeared in front of Valin's body, shielding him from the powerful white, searing light.

"Aaaaahhh!" Three voices melded into one as Asahi's body was almost completely consumed.

"Asahi-chan..." Cygnus whispered as she collapsed, burned by the same power.

Serenity gaped as the light cleared and Apollo in her now torn fuku fell from the sky.

"What..." Serenity began.

"We are sorry...Queen have imposed on your beautiful kingdom..." a soldier appeared in the sky, her body fading.

I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Valin-kun...I couldn't save love...

"Apollo..." a quiet voice prodded her.

Apollo stirred.

"Apollo..." the voice became more urgent.


"Awaken, Apollo...Goddess of Light and hope..." the voice continued.

Apollo opened her eyes to see that she was lying on the floor of the Golden Tower in Eterna. She sat up quickly and stood up to see the keeper looking down at her, her hood down to reveal her piercing blue eyes and dark green hair.

"The keeper?!" Apollo's brow furrowed.

"I am Sailor Draco...Soldier of Mutation...," the keeper said pleasantly. "I am also the soldier who helped create the sacred order of the Trilogy."

"The Trilogy...?" Apollo questioned.

"The Trilogy bounds three soldiers to the protection of the Empress of Eterna. Their unity creates a powerful powerful that should it be broken...the Heart cannot exist," Draco explained, gesturing to the two other soldiers that lay sprawled on the floor.

"The Heart...where is it?!" Asahi asked.

"Inside the Trilogy," Draco said, producing a crystal clear pyramid decorated with jewels.

"But what...where did this Trilogy come from? Why was I never informed?!" Asahi demanded.

"The Trilogy was created both for the benefit of Amaterasu and for you, Empress. When Amaterasu began to fall, a war broke out among the soldiers of the Star Fields of that Galaxy. Medusa's cause echoed throughout the galaxy and many soldiers argued that they could never claim victory over this new monster and should, instead join her so that their lives are spared and to ensure Amaterasu's survival. Another side wished to fight, and still another wanted to seek the legendary soldier of the light. I was one of the three who seeked your existence. This battle has been continuing for thousands of years, but only now has it trully erupted. For the last seven Earth years, Amaterasu's power has faded drastically. During the Golden Age of Eterna, this problem was still considered a very minor one, mainly because it is the strongest Star Field, therefore only one mage was sent to Earth to investigate it's causes. At that time, Amaterasu's energy continued to hold, giving Valin the illusion that the danger had passed. He returned to Eterna, only to find it almost annihalated. I gave him the Zodiac's talisman and told him to search for you. Still, Amaterasu's energy continued to sustain it's life. That is, until only an Earth year ago." Draco explained.

"Ughh..." Cygnus groaned, lifting herself from the ground.

"Good, Cygnus, you're awake. I was just kindly explaining to Apollo about our mission," Draco said pleasantly.

"Draco!" Cygnus cried, sitting up immediately as she saw the keeper.

"Of course," Draco smiled.

"But...we...we have been searching for you for so long...why did you desert us?!" Cygnus questioned, on her feet in an instant.

"Three soldiers..." Draco began, once again, turning to Apollo. "Of the Star Fields Cygnus, Hydra and Draco seeked the existence of the light. I saw the beginning deterioration of their bond, therefore, I quickly thought of a way to keep them together, because I trully believed in the Empress' existence. I found my way to Eterna, knowing about the mages and their power. What I found was a wasteland and a woman calling to me and pleading for my help. That is how I became a servant to the Lady Phaedra, Soldier of the Leo Galaxy. When you came to the Tower that day to receive your locket, I knew in a moment that you were the only one who could ever preserve our planet."

"Draco!" Cygnus cried.

"Awaken, Cygnus and behold the power we seek," Draco said, presenting the crystal pyramid to Apollo.

Apollo's fingers lightly fell upon the crystal's smooth surface and the light grew brighter, enough to be reflected in her golden eyes. Without a sound, the top of the pyramid opened to reveal the floating heart within, spinning delicately with fire burning inside it's crystal walls.

"The power has grown...somehow...," Apollo commented, awestruck by the gem's sudden brilliance.

"The Heart..." Hydra's voice crackled as though from afar.

"Hydra! Awaken!" Draco's voice hardened. "I show you now what we three trully seek. A light...a dream that one day a utopia could be ours."

"No! That path can only be found with Medusa!!" Hydra choked out, even as she began to raise herself from the ground.

"Hydra...remember..." Cygnus began, seeing the danger that floated like a demon in Hydra's glittering eyes. "The Empress saved your life!"

"The Heart is fading..." Apollo whispered, staring at the pyramid that floated between her open palms.

"Give it to me! That source of power!" Hydra screamed savagely as she lunged for the gem.

"No!" Cygnus cried, coming between Apollo and Hydra so that Hydra fell headlong into her body and sending them sprawling on the ground.

"She has twisted your mind!" Draco screamed, as she too began to fade.

"Draco...what's happening?!" Apollo cried, stepping back as she saw Cygnus and Hydra fall.

"I, too, come from their unity..." Draco whispered as she faded into a voiceless apparition.

"Draco!" Apollo cried as the Heart disappeared.

"Give it to me!" Hydra shrieked, scrambling about and trying to find an escape from Cygnus.

"Aaahh!" Cygnus cried as Hydra's fingers wrapped around her neck, strangling her.

A burst of light knocked into Hydra and threw her back, allowing Cygnus to quickly draw a gulp of air with a loud, whooshing sound. Apollo stood from where the light came from, a quiet, but rigid look on her face.

"Hydra..." she began.

For a moment, Draco's figure shimmered into view. As Hydra regained her composure, however, Draco disappeared once again.

"Hydra, I know that you can understand me...that you want something other than to be a pawn of Medusa..." Apollo whispered, stepping forward.

"I want...the Heart..." Hydra growled hoarsely, glaring at Apollo like a rabid, but cautious dog.

"Take it...," Apollo said simply. "All you need is to unite your mind with those around you and the power you need will appear."

Hydra hesitated.

"Apollo! No!" Cygnus shrieked.

A steady light began to appear between Apollo's hands, then flickered as Hydra turned away, still unwilling to comprehend that the Heart was being given to her. Apollo continued to urge her on.

"It's yours."

"Apollo! You fool! Don't let her get her hands on it!" Cygnus cried, racing toward Hydra as she stepped forward.

A blow from Cygnus sent Hydra flying to the ground. This, however, did not deter Hydra's eyes from her ambition. Apollo watched this slight interference with an unmoving stare, willing for the Trilogy to appear.

"Asahi-chan! Think of Valin...please!" Cygnus tried to reason with her.

At the mention of Valin's name, Apollo flinched, but only for a moment as the pyramid began to appear again.

In a moment, a blast of light slammed right into Cygnus, sending her backwards and into a wall. Apollo didn't move.

"Give it to me!" Hydra shouted, snatching the pyramid from Apollo's hands.

"Light of Dream...Light of Health...Light of the Heart..." Apollo whispered, her hands clasping together. "The Starseed of my birth..."

"What's...!" Hydra screamed as light from the pyramid seared through her bare hand.

"Apollo Light!" Apollo shouted out from an abyss of darkness.

"Cleansing!" Her wand appeared before her face from the darkness and began to glow, it's light casting shadows on her cheeks. As she pulls away, they see that both her hands are now beside the glowing oval gem that topped the wand, creating a ball of yellow light. As the wand disappears, Apollo raises the ball over her head and twirls rapidly. Suddenly she stops with her arms wide open and the energy ball streaks straight toward Hydra.

"Nooo!!" Hydra screamed, dropping the pyramid which quickly disappeared before even touching the ground.

Oh...strange...the land of my dreams...that's where I my deepest dreams, I've always wanted to go there. Please, let me touch it for one moment. Even for only a moment, before it completely vanishes. It's there, I can feel it. I can even smell the beautiful scent of the earth, wafting from the fragrant flowers. Amaterasu. My home. What I've always held to my breast. The scent of innocence. Is this what you wanted to show me?

"Amaterasu..." Hydra whispered, slumping down to the ground, only to be lifted up by a force. Just as she fell, Apollo's fuku disappeared and she stood naked, on the barren, cold floor.

Asahi watched as Cygnus and Hydra began to float around her. A strange light enclosed them in shimmering waves. A shattering sound filled the air, as the bands on their wrists broke, only to be replaced by a gold band with a unique ornament for each one. Their bows tore and were replaced by white feathers as a star appeared on their waist. From Cygnus' waist, shining white pearl beads sprouted, while a chain extended from Hydra's. They both slowly began to assume a standing position, while still floating as their transformation continued. The shapes of their constellations appeared on their foreheads as, finally, their chokers were shredded and replaced by ones from which charms hung in their respective colors.

"What's happening..." Asahi whispered, staring at the two figures that now stood fully before her with their arms crossed over their chests. She stood there, trying to hide her body.

Draco appeared between and above them, her hand outstretched to Apollo.

"Come, Empress...a battle awaits us. The Trilogy has taken it's place in our hearts. We serve you, Empress of the Morning."

Asahi took Draco's, with an awestruck gaze. As Draco kissed Apollo's hand as a sign of her loyalty, a light cloaked Apollo and exploded outwards, revealing her in her fuku once again. Apollo felt herself dreamily being carried by Cygnus' power to the lair of the enemy.

What awaits us...?" Apollo whispered, as they traveled toward the cavern.

"A victory," was all she heard from Hydra.

"Hydra!" Asahi cried, still feeling disoriented. "You're okay!"

"I lead you to Medusa...the crown of the revolution..."

The Sailor Apollo Trilogy