Eterna's Little Empress

“Grrrooooarrr!” Orion screamed with an unnatural voice.

“You may have conquered the Underworld, Orion, but this world will never belong to you…no matter how hard you try,” Eos said, her eyes now shining with a golden light.

“The Darkness will reign!” Orion screamed as the dark forces suddenly surrounded them.

“Not if light still exists. We will release the underworld from your corruption,” Estella’s quiet voice broke the roaring noise, her silver eyes filled with tears.

“Powers of Eterna! Mother of the Morning! Spirits of the Zodiac! Souls of the Departed! Starseed of the Universe! Conquer this evil and banish this force to oblivion!” Both girls chanted as light began to gather around the dark forces that surrounded them. Both closed their eyes and felt the powers of light suddenly go through the darkness that enveloped them.

“No power can banish me!” Orion laughed upon hearing their words.

Mother…hear us now…lend us your power, your will…your heart…

A rumbling erupted about the planet of Eterna while the remaining inhabitant watched from the tower. The keeper watched as suddenly, the planet began to hum with an energy she had never felt before. The keeper dashed outside to a balcony as she saw the Tower of Mourning suddenly erupt from the ground. Inside it’s crystal walls lay the Empress’ body, glowing with a violet light that suddenly spread throughout the planet. The keeper watched with awe as the Empress’ body disappeared while thousands of twinkling violet lights floated in the air, bringing life to the once dead planet.

“Mama…her presence…”Eos whispered as a figure of the Empress appeared behind her two daughters.

Both girls raised the heart above them as they suddenly became one, glowing apparition of a young woman with flowing lavender hair wearing a white and lavender dress and holding a clear scepter upon which the Heart sat upon.

“Who…are…you?” Orion rasped.

“Your end, Orion!” the woman said with a calm voice as she raised her scepter in front of herself.

“Sacred Golden Power Generation!”

As she said her words, the woman glowed with a brilliant violet light that suddenly broke off into a twinkling ocean of stardust that danced toward Orion cheerfully. As they gathered by the hundreds around the angered force, the woman closed her eyes and the thousands of stardust exploded as Orion and his minions screamed with agony and the light sealed the Underworld once again.

As the light cleared, Anarchia and Apollo appeared from where the woman once stood and both fell to the ground.

“Ohhhh…”Apollo sighed as she suddenly felt herself being jolted back to life. “Eos…” a voice whispered from somewhere around her. “Eos…listen…”

“Who…is it??” Apollo called out reluctantly.


Apollo turned toward Anarchia’s body and gasped at the apparition that floated above her.

“Yes…Eos…it is me…” Estella smiled a serene smile that reminded Apollo so much of her mother down in Earth.

“Estella? But…Anarchia…” Apollo questioned.

“Anarchia…she is still here. The remaining curse of the Underworld. Destroy me, Apollo. I have tasted the blood of captivity for far too long…I long to be free, to unite, once more with the cleansed underworld…”

“No! You are free now! The Heart…!”

“The Heart aided us in our battle, yes. But Anarchia…she…I was reborn as this darkness. My soul, it lies restless within her stone heart, forever running from this evil. Orion…he still lies in Eterna. Waiting…evermore for his bride to return so that they may continue to erode the Underworld’s peace. I don’t want her to return…This…all this, is your world. The Underworld is mine. Mama…she said that only when destruction and creation unite will true peace become reality. To ensure that evil will never prevail, good must become one with it,” Estella said quietly. “Destroy me, Sailor Apollo, the Daughter of the Morning and Creation…only then will I trully be free to harness Orion’s evil…I realize…I believe now that Orion’s evil will only enter those whose hearts will welcome him…I am tired of running…release me…please”

“But…how can this be? I believed that we had destroyed Orion…” Apollo cried, her tears welling up in her eyes.

“Orion will never enter your world again. I promise. You only banished him, for darkness, like good, cannot be completely destroyed and you restored the four seals. However, should I not be released, he will overpower the underworld again with the help of Anarchia…she who never dies for she carries me within her. Only you can destroy her. Only you…Should you not eliminate her now, you will never have a chance again…Please!”

Apollo wiped her tears, slowly nodding as she raised Anarchia’s blade from the ground.


With that, Apollo raised the blade above her head, just as Anarchia opened her eyes. Fighting back sobs, Apollo plunged it with all her strength into Anarchia’s heart. Anarchia only stared up at her with silver eyes pooled with tears of blood. Apollo watched as a sigh escaped her and a fluttering figure rose from Anarchia’s dead body and entered the circle that the standing four seals created.

Asahi suddenly realized that she had suddenly become little again. With this realization, she felt herself grow weak. Sighing with weariness, she collapsed, her power broken with the death of Anarchia.

“Asahi…” a voice called to her as she appeared in the smokey world once again.

“Huh?…I’m here…again,” Asahi told herself as she looked around, afraid to see the blue-haired child again.

“Asahi…” the voice persisted. “Who’s there?” Asahi called out, trying to make her voice sound braver than she felt.

“You have done well,” the voice said as a glimmering light appeared before her and the ghostly young woman with lavender hair and flower-like odangoes appeared. “Only a true empress would seek the truth, accept it and act upon it.”

“Who are you?” Asahi asked, her voice becoming a lull.

“I…am darkness and light combined…” the woman said. “I am Zephyr…Princess of Eterna…The Emperor knew that only the unity of dark and light can trully become power. And he cast a spell upon me…to ensure that I would become the ultimate entity…the fruit of the ultimate powers of dark and light…I am you and your sister…the symbol of your unity…your bond. All evil…all good…they all play an important role in this time and place. Understand this…more than anything for it is the key to you…”

“What must I do now? Is my mission already over? Must I return to the Underworld…where I came from…?” Asahi asked, dreading the answer.

“No, gentle child. The Daughter of Night and Silence gave you your right to return…” Zephyr said as Asahi closed her eyes and heard Valin’s words once again.

“…No matter what happens…return…always return…for you are greatly needed…”

“Asahi!” Okashi called as she materialized before him.

“Okashi!” Asahi laughed as he flew into her arms. “Oh, Okashi! I thought I would never see you or anybody ever again!”

“You did well, little empress,” Okashi smiled proudly, his eyes shining with fondness.

Asahi began to cry as she saw that the sun was just beginning to set on the horizon. With Okashi in her arms, she ran to the spot where she had kissed her friend on the day Okashi appeared to her.

“Koei! I won!” Asahi whispered as she ran. “I won!”

Suddenly, she froze as she saw him standing with his blonde hair blowing in the wind, a long cape flowing from his shoulders.

“Valin…” Asahi whispered to herself with certainty. “Valin!”

“Empress…”Valin smiled as he bent down on one knee to match her height.

“How…?” Asahi could not bring herself to finish her words as her eyes filled with tears and she ran and gave him a hug.

“I told you…little princess…you deemed it to be so,” Valin said, giving her a kiss on the cheek as he whispered in her ear.

“A kiss returned, dear little empress…”

“Koei…” Asahi whispered, trembling as she looked into Valin’s eyes. “Oh…Koei!”

“Come, Asahi-chan,” Valin smiled, seeing that she finally understood.

“Huh? Where?” Asahi asked.

“Eterna awaits for its Empress,” Valin smiled as they both began to glow.

“Eterna…” Asahi whispered, looking around her as they landed.

“Asahi…” Okashi whispered, looking at her with awe. “You’ve grown…”

Asahi looked down at herself and realized that what Okashi had said was true. She wore a flowing lavender dress that fluttered as the silent wind raced through the land and her deep red pigtails topped with flower-like odangoes floated about her. Her eyes had lost their silver color and were now as brilliant as the sun’s golden rays.

“So beautiful,” Valin smiled as he looked upon her.

“The planet…” Asahi said, turning away from them as she blushed. “It looks so dead…How can this be? I believed that we would restore this planet when Anarchia was defeated. Even the Golden tower has disappeared.”

“Eos…” a voice called.

“That voice!” Asahi cried as she turned toward its sound.

“Do not be afraid, Empress. The planet…it lies beneath you…waiting for your healing touch. Awaken it, Eos…let life flow from it once again.”

Eos looked around her to find that her companions had not heard the woman’s voice. Surprised, Eos suddenly felt a faint vibration under her feet.

The planet is calling to me…

Asahi knelt down as Valin and Okashi watched with wonder as she placed her hands on the cracked earth and began to heal the dying planet. Under her touch, grass sprung up and rolled throughout the land, like a great green carpet. From the grass came tiny flowers that opened to suddenly reveal little creatures with wings that flitted suddenly from their sleeping positions and spread dust about the world. Where the dust appeared, more flowers bloomed, so that soon, they were standing admist a great pasture of beautiful flowers of every color and size, their sweet fragrance wafted in the air, by the now calming breeze.

Suddenly, Asahi gasped as she saw the figure that walked toward them, wearing a red and gold fuku with a cape that fluttered behind her. As Asahi got up, the woman bowed low before her.

“Empress Eos…we are so glad to have you finally return to us,” the woman said.

“Lady Phaedra! Sailor Leo!” Okashi cried as he bowed low before the senshi.

“We have awaited for your return for so long…the four seals…peace has finally been regained. You are now the Empress of all the land that you see before you. We are so grateful to you for the freedom you have returned to us.” Sailor Leo said as she rose.

“Sailor Leo…what will become of Eterna?” Asahi asked as she looked around.

“The land will begin again. Eterna is beginning again. Not reborn, yet it is a new age. The great cauldron that was destroyed a long time ago that we once guarded has been cleansed and renewed. We protect it once again…now, stars can be born. Life can begin again. Like dark. Yet it will never fully prevail. Because of you…” Leo said, looking about her.

“The Mourning Spire…” Asahi whispered as she saw the crystal casement that housed her mother’s body.

“Your mother lies there…slumbering for all Eternity…yet I know that her last wish has finally been granted. That you should find your sister and finally realize who you trully are…the ultimate power. The daughter of the Universe and it’s proctectress. Born from evil and good.”

“Sailor Leo…I wish to return…” Asahi said, looking up into the blue blue skies, lit by a radiant sun. “If darkness returns…I must be there to fight it once again. Eterna is well-guarded by you and the other eleven soldiers. Earth, however, is not ready for a coming invasion that I know will ultimately come, due to this battle. I am only a child, M’lady. I cannot protect the Cauldron…not until I trully realize my true potential. Not until I grow strong, both in mind….”

Here she paused and looked at Valin. “And Heart. I cannot stay, until I know that I am trully worthy of such an honor.”

“As you wish, Your Imperial Highness…do not worry. We will guard this planet until the day that you trully find the happiness that you seek and claim the throne that is rightfully yours. Empress Eos.” Sailor Leo bowed once again and Asahi suddenly felt a tingling sensation go through her as Sailor Leo’s staff appeared in her hand.

Do not worry, Sailor Leo…Lady Phaedra. I will find the power inside me. One day…

“Asahi?” a voice woke her up.

Asahi sat up and found her mother staring at her with concern and a cold hand on her forehead.

“You’ve been sleeping all day. Hmph…I see that Koei has been throwing rocks at your window again,” Mrs. Uchuno looked outside with a frown as Asahi leaped out of bed and jumped toward the window, amazed at how big everything in the room seemed to be.

“Koei-kun!” Asahi cried, waving her arms frantically toward her playmate who looked up from his bike and smiled as he waved back.

After quickly dressing and scarfing down her breakfast, Asahi raced outside with her bike. Without warning, a white dove suddenly landed on her shoulder just as she stepped out the door.

“Okashi-chan!” Asahi laughed as she scooped her pet in her arms and the bike fell to the ground. “We’re home again, Okashi-chan. We’re home!”

Sailor Apollo