Act V

The Anarchy

“You waited for me,” a voice suddenly said from behind her.

Asahi suddenly detangled herself from her thoughts and looked up.

“You…”Asahi gasped as she saw the figure that stood there.

“Yes…me,” the little girl with blue hair in front of her said, her silver eyes glinting.

“But…you look exactly like…,” Asahi began.

“You,” the little girl finished.

“But…how can that be?” Asahi asked, standing up and staring at the reflection in front of her and reached to her. Just as she touched the image however, it wavered.

“You believe in me,” the little girl said, smiling.

“So this is your form…” Asahi said, staring at the young girl. “Who are you exactly?”

“No…this isn’t my true form…not yet. Only when this world’s destiny is unleashed will I return to my true form…a solid being,” the little girl said.

“Why…why do you look like me?” Asahi asked, hypnotized by the image.

“Because…we are the same,” the girl said. “Never forget that.”

“But…what must I do? What can I do to help you?” Asahi asked, still staring at her reflection.

“Asahi…the power I need…lies…” the girl’s image began to wane.

“Wait!” Asahi shouted.

“The Universe is inside you,” the girl said, her face suddenly growing white and afraid. “Never let her go…”

“Asahi-sama!” Valin’s voice broke throuh the darkness.

“Asahi?! She’s waking up!” Okashi cried, his eyes shining with tears.

“Oohhh,” Asahi moaned as Valin took her in his arms.

“Princess…we thought we lost you…” Valin whispered, a glistening tear suddenly dropping on the sweat soaked sheets.

“What do you mean?” Asahi asked groggily.

“You could not awaken. What happened?” Okashi asked gently as Valin lay her down again.

“A child,” Asahi said. “She told me…that all that I fight for is in vain. Even if I fight to protect this planet…Earth…it will always despise my presence…I feel weak…Valin, please, take me back to Eterna…”

“Eos-sama!” Okashi scolded her, using the name to remind her of who she is. “You cannot return to Eterna! Whatever she told you…she only told you lies!”

Asahi turned toward him with a deadly look that chilled Okashi.

“Who is my grandfather, Okashi? Who bore my father?! Was the Emperor not of the Dark Side?!!! I was born from that darkness! I hold darkness in my blood. She knows! I know that she tells the truth because I can feel it boiling within me!”

“Asahi-chan,” Valin soothed her as he took her in his arms again.

“No! I wanna leave! I can’t stand it here! Don’t you see that I will die if I do not leave this cursed planet?!!” Asahi broke free from Valin, threw the bedclothes off and dashed out of the open door.

“What lies did Anarchia feed her?” Okashi asked, greatly disturbed.

“Quickly, we must watch her, now that Anarchia has almost taken her mind,” Valin said, dashing after the child.

They don’t understand…I know…inside me that this is true. This child…whoever she is, she knows the things that I have tried to keep hidden inside me all this time. They say they are lies…but if that was so…then my whole body lies to me…

Asahi continued to run, not wanting to look back and see that Valin or Okashi were after her.

Suddenly, the whole sky began to darken. Asahi’s thoughts turned to rain, but as the rumbling began, she felt a dark presence surrounding her.

Not another attack! I won’t take it anymore!

“Apollo Golden Starlight Make-up!” Asahi shouted, raising her hand. Suddenly, she felt the locket appear in her hand.

What’s this?…

The locket burst into light and soothing stardust floated around her, a shadowy figure of stars with her head down against a golden sun. She spun once until she floated sideways with her arms behind her and her hands spread out. As she leveled her head, the stardust splashed over her and created her bodice and choker. As she spun to the center of the light, she spread her arms out to her sides and the stardust sprinkled over them to create her gloves. As she raised her head high, the stardust splashed over her and her skirt was formed. Twirling once, her shoes appeared on her feet, it’s ribbons floating around her until they tied around her legs. Suddenly, more golden light burst from her and a sun appears on her forehead while a chain extends from it. The gold leaves and ball ornaments in her hair and odangoes glisten and she poses in front of a flaming sun.

I feel…renewed. Where did that locket come from? Finally…a true transformation…could this mean that I am now a true soldier? Or could this mean that danger lurks nearby…

She smiled, savoring the moment as she watched Asahi transforming. It was time. The little girl had grown so very strong. She was the holder of the power she searched for. Not to attack would be a mistake.

“Come little one…”

Apollo watched the sky for any other telltale signs of what was behind such a phenomenon. Some people came to watch the spectacle, yet most stayed in their homes, afraid of what was going to happen.

“Apollo!” Valin cried as he finally caught up to her.

“Valin?!” Apollo cried in surprise.

“We saw what was happening in the city. Do you remember…?” Valin said, looking around at the deserted streets.

Apollo stared at the sky and surrounding area, her eyes growing wide as she realized what Valin had meant. Yes, it did appear to be exactly what Eterna looked like before she appeared.

“Apollo…this is the day,” Okashi said solemnly after a moment’s silence.

“I know,” Apollo said, trembling slightly as she remembered the locket’s appearance.

“Know that our power is yours to command…we will help in whatever way we can. Be strong, little princess,” Valin said, kissing her on the forehead.

Apollo nodded, taking a deep breath.

“Princess…” A sweet voice suddenly drifted around them as negative energy began to pour from the dark skies.

Apollo’s ears seemed to be the only ones able to hear it.

That voice…it is the voice of the child…

Suddenly, a gasp aroused from the city as a figure in a black fuku appeared in the sky. Her hair was a deep blue, tied up into flower-shaped odangoes with flowing pigtails. A black gem was on her forehead and a scythe was in her hand. A long, black flowing cape surrounded her shoulders and fluttered in the wind.

Apollo’s breathing stopped for a moment before she felt her heart racing away in her chest.

Her hair…her eyes…she is…me?!!

Valin’s eyes grew wide as he saw the distinct features of the lady that appeared.


The woman’s face was twisted into a smirk as her scythe began to glow. Suddenly, she raised it in the air and sliced the sky in two. Without warning a black beam flooded the city, crumbling buildings and killling hundreds in an instant.

“Anarchia!” Apollo screamed with fury. Her body trembled as Anarchia’s cold silver eyes suddenly saw her. “Your battle is with me! Leave the innocent alone!”

Anarchia looked at her for a moment, then smiled a smile of pleasure and malice at the same time.

She saw Anarchia open her mouth and utter a few words before a swarm of what appeared to be shadows suddenly flew out from the sky and dashed straight for her.

Apollo gasped before she threw up her staff. “Divine Illumination!” Light blasted away at the shadows, but did not destroy them.

Suddenly, she felt the staff thrumming with a new energy. Golden wings burst from the top and a new energy flowed from it.

“Apollo! Radiant Light! Siege!” Apollo shouted, surprised at how much power seemed to flow from the staff. The shadows began to disintegrate, yet more came. Suddenly, they overwhelmed her, cutting off air to her nose and mouth. Choking and gasping for breath, Apollo began to lose consciousness.

“Light!” Valin shouted, as he began to glow and gather energy in his hands.

Okashi’s forehead began to emmit light and both beams were aimed at the shadows.

The shadows gave a scream and suddenly, Asahi appeared from under them.

“Hmph,” Anarchia said, glowering at the two guardians. She disappeared in a second and suddenly, she appeared in front of Valin.

Valin gasped, but immediately composed himself long enough to gather energy in his hands.

Anarchia tossed her head and immediately, Valin collapsed and blood began to flow from his chest.

“Valin!” Asahi cried weakly.

“You of the underworld are under my control…” Anarchia said, as Valin gasped and held his hand to his stomach.

“Valin! No!” Asahi screamed.

Anarchia just smiled at her handiwork as Asahi ran to Valin’s fallen body.

“Princess…do not cry…” Valin whispered in a broken voice as Asahi’s tears fell upon him. “I will return…you have deemed it to be so…”

“Anarchia!” Asahi shouted, forcing herself to stand up. “You fight…with me!”

Anarchia looked at the child carefully.

Somehow…I feel stronger when I am near this child…could she hold the power I seek?

Asahi herself felt a strange energy radiating from Anarchia.

Her energy is so familiar. Somehow, I can feel her energy and mine becoming one.

“Celestial Teleport!” Asahi shouted grabbing the locket around her neck. In an instant, they both disappeared and the portal in the air disappeared. Silence reigned over Crystal Tokyo as Okashi stared in horror at where Asahi last stood.


“Oomph!” Asahi cried as she landed in what seemed to be a hard marble floor. As she carefully opened her eyes, she saw black, shining heeled shoes standing right in front of her. Asahi moaned.

“Child…stand,” the hypnotizing voice of Anarchia said.

“You can’t tell me what to do!” Asahi screamed, almost certain that now, Anarchia would plunge her deadly blade into her small body.

Anarchia only laughed. “You are such a brat. It’s interesting as to how you did not destroy Crystal Tokyo with the power that lies inside you. After all, it is a power of darkness. It helped me take over the city. With your presence, the Moon’s light would not penetrate the cloak that I spread over the planet of Earth. It was being held by darkness both inside and out. Without the Moon’s light, the Silver Crystal would do nothing against me.” Anarchia smiled as she circled around Asahi slowly like a shark who has scented blood.

Asahi got up slowly, and as she did, she realized that she was floating in space in front of three great circular monoliths that hung suspended like she did. No stars shone around her and the only light that ensued came from the three monoliths. It was then that she saw a fourth, empty spot around the circle. Dull gray rubble stood instead of a monolith.

“What…where am I?” Asahi whispered.

“These…the Four Seals that separate our world. You, my dear, are sitting on our future battleground. The finale between good and evil. The battle that will determine as to which of the two is greater and who will prevail. I’m sure you’ve heard of these Four Seals. I’ve destroyed one of them. Yet I, the very essence of evil who has corrupted the underworld, do not have enough power. Don’t get cocky, neither do you. However, together, the light and the dark hold immeasurable power. More power than anybody can imagine. Because we are standing here, in front of these great seals, I know now that you are the power I seek. Nothing, as you can see, can go near these seals because any energy weaker than these four would be taken.”

“I won’t help you!” Asahi screamed as she stood up shakily.

“Of course you will. You see, you know me. I am familiar to you. I have conversated with you through your dreams. You called me to you,” Anarchia said as Asahi gasped.

“You…you were that child in my dreams!” Asahi’s eyes grew wide as she realized what Anarchia was saying.

“Of course. I never trully lied to you. Your guardians believe that darkness always lies. They don’t realize that sometimes, we tell the story that hurts the most. In your case, the truth. You, the supposed sailor soldier of light actually carries darkness within her. You are not pure.”

“You are lying!” Asahi screamed, tears suddenly welling in her eyes as she felt the truth in Anarchia’s voice.

“Apollo! Golden Starlight! Make up!” Asahi screamed, her hand on the locket on her neck.

“You must not have listened to what I said,” Anarchia said, shaking her head with amusement.

Asahi froze.

I can’t transform…

“Either you possess more power, or you possess less. These seals will destroy all equal powers and take all the lesser powers. The stars around it had less power and as you can see, the seals now glow with their light.” Anarchia said. “Your only choice is to join me or die. Which, in either case, I would win. It’s just faster to open the seals with you.”

“I would rather die,” Asahi whispered fiercely, baring her teeth.

“Of course you would,” Anarchia said. “Even I would rather die than join the light. However, we are the same, little Asahi. You never belonged to the light. You belong to the darkness. Like me. Join the darkness and return, Asahi.”

“No! Why do you keep trying!” Asahi said, covering her ears and shutting her eyes tightly.

“Because I know the truth,” Anarchia said. “Look at me child. You know the truth. Do not run from it. Unlike the world of the good, we of evil will open our arms to whoever wishes to be a part of us. Earth and it’s crystal for example. Despite your efforts to help it, it snarls and bares its teeth like an injured dog. When Apollo awoke and when you visited Eterna, you became weaker because you stayed in Earth. I never lied. You have always been me and I have always been you,” Anarchia said.

Asahi, hearing her words opened her eyes and gasped. Her hands were covered in black gloves. She had grown older and was wearing Anarchia’s fuku. Her red ponytails reached to her ankles as she stood up and felt her strength renewed.

“What-what happened?” she whispered as she looked at herself.

“The truth has appeared,” Anarchia smiled. “Even if you deny it. You know that what I say is true. Eos. Remember who you trully are. Your father. He would have wanted you to join his father.”

Asahi’s eyes grew dull as she remembered her father.

His father…Orion…evil…

Anarchia began to glow with a blue light that mesmerized Asahi. Asahi then realized that she too was glowing with a red light, still in Anarchia’s garb.

“Come, Princess. Realize your destiny. Realize what you are,” Anarchia said, holding out her blade to her.

“My destiny,” Asahi whispered as she stepped closer to the blade.

“NO! Asahi remember what your mission is!” a voice screamed in her head.

Asahi flinched as Anarchia’s expression became darker.

“Quickly, Asahi…there is no time.”

Asahi’s blank expression returned and she stepped even closer. With a steady hand, her palm grazed the edge of Anarchia’s blade. Suddenly, Asahi’s eyes grew wide as she felt a sharp pain go through her. Blood poured from the wound that the blade gave her.

“At last!” Anarchia smiled sinisterly. “You and I are now trully one! Embrace the darkness Asahi! Reveal yourself!”

Asahi grasped her hand tightly to try to stop the bleeding with the other as tears of pain fell from her eyes. She felt the darkness inside her suddenly become stronger as the wound began to throb. At Anarchia’s words, she let out a scream of pain. Blinding violet light burst from her chest and threw her back. The four seals began to shake and a huge cracking sound filled the air around them.

Asahi heard Anarchia laugh even as one by one the seals began to crumble.

“The power I seek! The Universe’s center! The underworld is unleashed!”

Act VI

Sailor Apollo