
Well, since this page is new...Me's don't have many awards to show off. But that really shouldn't keep you webmasters out there from joining in on the fun of proudly showing off your page's quality! The following are awards that you must apply to do this? Just scroll down and pick the award u wish to apply for, and enter your information at the form on the bottom!

Moonlight Passions
Your page must be about the romance between Usagi and Mamoru, the cats or Helios and Chibi-Usa. I don't accept Haruka and Michiru because their relationship is pretty vague. The other senshi's "romances" are also not accepted because it is a known fact that they live only for Selenity and nobody else. Also, they never trully get together with anybody, so it doesn't count.
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Golden Power Haven
For excellent pages. This means indepth info, no broken links, fast loading, good page organization, nice graphics, credited content. A good example would be, a member of the Ring of Courtiers ^.^
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